2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

公共服务 TRADITIONAL SERVICES 130 To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a photo competition featuring 13 TWGHs historical buildings was held from 10 August to 16 September 2022. The Award cum Exhibition Opening Ceremony was held on 29 October 2022 at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital. The Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, was invited to be the officiating guest of the Ceremony. A total of 1,231 entries were appraised and rated by the judging members comprising Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, Mr. KO Tim Keung, a Hong Kong history expert, and Ms. Vivian WONG, a renowned photographer, to determine the winners of the Open Category and the Student Category. 为庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年,东华三院 于2022 年8 月10 日至9 月16 日举办以13 处 东华三院历史建筑为主题的摄影比赛。比赛颁奖 暨展览开幕典礼在2022 年10 月29 日于东华医 院礼堂举行,邀得文化体育及旅游局局长杨润雄 GBS太平绅士担任颁奖暨展览开幕典礼主礼嘉 宾。比赛合共收到1,231 幅参赛作品,由马清扬 主席、香港历史专家高添强先生以及著名摄影师 王贤咏小姐组成之评审团评分,分别选出公开组 及学生组的优胜者。 庆祝回归25周年 — 东华三院历史建筑摄影比赛 年度重点活动及服务 In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region — TWGHs Historical Buildings Photo Competition Signature Events and Services of the Year 文化体育及旅游局局长杨润雄GBS太平绅士( 左) 及马清扬主席( 右) 向公开组冠军蔡惠霞女士( 中) 颁发奖座。 The Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP (left), Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right), the Chairman, presented a trophy to Ms. CHOI Wai Ha (centre), Champion of the Open Category. 嘉宾及各得奖者于典礼上合照留念 Group photo of guests and winners at the Ceremony 文化体育及旅游局局长杨润雄GBS太平绅士( 左) 及马清扬 主席( 右) 向学生组冠军东华三院陈兆民中学刘子韬颁发 奖座。 The Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, GBS, JP (left), Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right), the Chairman, presented a trophy to LAU Tsz To, student of TWGHs Chen Zao Men College, Champion of Student Category. 东 华 三 院三 广福 祠福 祠 东 华 三 院三 院 华 文 三 武 庙 文 东 华 义 庄