2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 136 The Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018 was passed by the Legislative Council on 26 August 2021. After the passage of the Bill, there was a preparatory period of 18 months as a basic arrangement for the Government and members of the public to prepare for the implementation of municipal solid waste (MSW) charging. Environment Conservation Fund (ECF) set up a funding scheme for non-profit organisations in 2015 to carry out Community Involvement Projects (CIPs) on different types of premises as a pilot scheme of MSW charging and to prepare for implementation of quantitybased MSW charging in Hong Kong. A total of 27 TWGHs service units had completed the Programme since the launch of the funding scheme under ECF. In 2022/2023, TWGHs obtained funding from ECF to implement a trial programme on MSW charging at TWGHs Pao Siu Loong Care and Attention Home, TWGHs Wu York Yu Care and Attention Home and TWGHs Wu Chiang Wai Fong Care and Attention Home, located at TWGHs Shuen Wan Complex for the Elderly. Moreover, upon receiving new environmental funding from ECF, the Group is currently conducting the Municipal Solid Waste Charging Scheme Trial Programme at 3 schools and 3 single block residential buildings, with a target number of participants at 3,000 people and a goal of waste reduction at 3% to 5%, to drive material reuse and waste reduction. This is part of the Group's proactive response to the Government's goal of "Zero Landfill" by 2035. 《2018 年废物处置( 都市固体废物收费)( 修订) 条例草案》已于2021年8月26日获立法会通过。 条例草案通过后以18 个月的「准备期」为基本安 排,让政府和市民大众为落实都市固体废物收费 做好准备。环保基金自2015 年起,资助非牟利 机构及团体在不同类别的处所举办社区参与项 目,在实际环境下试行废物收费。自环保基金推 出资助计划以来,本院共有27 个服务单位完成 都市固体废物收费试验项目。 于2022/2023 年度,本院获得环保基金拨 款,在位于东华三院船湾安老综合中心内的 东华三院包兆龙护理安老院、东华三院伍若 瑜护理安老院及东华三院伍蒋惠芳护理安老 院推行都市固体废物收费试验项目。此外, 本院亦获得环保基金拨款新项目,现正在3 间 学校及3 座单幢式住宅楼宇进行固体废物收费 测试,推动学生及单幢式住户参与分类回收 和减废,目标参与人数为3,000 人,目标减废 量为3-5%,积极配合政府2035 年「零废堆填」 的目标。 减少废物 Waste Reduction 本院于东华三院包兆龙护理 安老院、东华三院伍若瑜护 理安老院及东华三院伍蒋惠 芳护理安老院推行都市固体 废物收费试验项目。 A trial programme on MSW charging was implemented at TWGHs Pao Siu Loong Care and Attention Home, TWGHs Wu York Yu Care and Attention Home and TWGHs Wu Chiang Wai Fong Care and Attention Home.