2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 137 TWGHs organised various green trainings and activities for staff members to enhance their environmental awareness and promote green living. The green roof of the TWGHs Administration Headquarters has been used for organic farming since 2012, along with the launch of the Organic Farmer Programme. A total of 39 staff members enrolled as organic farmers in 2022/2023. Upon the end of the Programme, participants compiled an Organic Farming Experience Sharing to record and share with new joiners their farming tips and suggestions on growing seasonal fruits and vegetables. Through this platform, they were able to share their crops with their colleagues, family members and friends to promote cherishing of food resources and green living. Tung Wah Hospital continued to organise recycling programmes for moon-cake boxes and red packets this year, and recycled used clothes, rechargeable batteries, food waste, waste paper, plastic utensils, aluminium cans and other waste materials throughout the year. The Hospital also had umbrella driers placed at every building entrance, promoted “NO Straw at offices” and stopped selling bottled water at all vending machines to reduce unnecessary plastic disposal. Meanwhile, it has become a regular practice for the Hospital to conduct an annual tree inspection and participate in the “No Air Con Night” to encourage better use of air-conditioners, as part of its contribution to relieving global warming. 东华三院积极透过培训及举办环保活动,以提高 员工的环保意识和绿色生活概念。自2012年起, 东华三院行政总部的绿化天台设有有机耕作园 地,并举办有机农夫体验活动。本年度招募了39 名员工成为有机农夫,一同参与有机耕作。活动 结束后,参加者记录其耕作心得及时令蔬果种植 期的建议,并结集成《有机耕作经验分享摘录》, 与新参加者分享有机耕作的知识。透过这个平 台,参加者可与同事、家人和朋友分享农作物, 推广珍惜食物资源及绿色生活。 东华医院今年继续推出月饼盒及利事封回收计 划,并全年回收旧衣物、充电池、厨余、废纸、 塑料器皿、铝罐及其它废料。医院亦于每座入口 处放置雨伞除水器,并于医院内宣传「无塑料饮 管办公室」,同时停售院内自动售卖机的塑料樽 装水,藉此减少不必要的塑料废物。医院每年亦 会进行树木检查及参加「无冷气夜」,鼓励善用空 调,为纾缓全球暖化出一分力。 员工绿色活动 医院及医疗衞生服务单位 绿色活动 有机农夫体验活动 东华医院 广华医院 Green Campaigns for Staff Members Green Campaigns in Hospitals and Medical and Health Service Units Organic Farmer Programme Tung Wah Hospital Kwong Wah Hospital 绿化天台种有多款 有机农作物。 The green roof is planted with different types of organic produce. Kwong Wah Hospital is dedicated to promoting green ideas and sustainable development. In 2022/2023, the Hospital organised a variety of green publicity and promotional activities to promote green culture, including the “Green Walkround”. With an aim to enhancing environmental awareness, the “Green Walkround” had all target departments inspected under 4 major themes, namely “energy saving”, “waste reduction”, “green procurement” and “green activities”. In addition to that, there was also the “Shared Gardening Programme”, in which staff members were encouraged to plant flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs, which not only improves the landscape but also enables the staff members to experience the fun of planting after work. Meanwhile, with environmental protection and energy conservation in mind, the Hospital participated in the “No Air Con Night” as a warm reminder for its staff members to use air-conditioners in an eco-friendlier manner, in support of relieving global warming. 广华医院一直致力宣扬环保理念,推广可持续发 展。于2022/2023 年度,广华医院透过不同宣传 及推广活动,在院内推动环保文化,包括「绿色 节能办公室巡查」,透过「节约能源」、「减少废 物」、「绿色采购」及「绿色行动」4 方面,对目标 部门进行巡查,提升员工的环保意识。另外,医 院亦举办「有机种植分享计划」,添置可种植花 架,供员工种植花卉、蔬果、香草等植物,此举 不但可绿化环境,更可让员工于工余时体验种植 乐趣。此外,医院为响应环保及节约能源,参加 「无冷气夜」,鼓励善用空调,为纾缓全球暖化出 一分力。 广华医院员工参与「有机种植分享计划」,种植花卉。 Flowers were planted by staff members of Kwong Wah Hospital under the “Shared Gardening Programme”.