2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 138 Thanks to a series of promotional campaigns over the years, a green culture has been successfully developed at TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital. In 2022/2023, the Hospital continued to implement energy conservation initiatives and proactively participated in various green programmes, such as setting up collection points for fluorescent lamps, aluminium cans, plastic bottles and waste paper for recycling. The Hospital also put up a notice board for disseminating information about environmental protection, and placed energy saving labels on switches of non-essential lightings and air-conditioners to raise the awareness of energy conservation among its staff members. Plus, on a regular basis, the Hospital invites accredited arborists for tree assessment and maintenance, as part of its contribution to environmental protection. In August 2022, the Hospital conducted the “Carbon Audit” to evaluate the level of greenhouse gas released during its operation over the last 3 years. In addition to that, the Hospital participated in the “Carbon Neutral - Energy Saving Championship Scheme”, “No Air Con Night” and “Earth Hour”, all aiming to enhance the eco-friendly awareness among staff members by means of relying less on air-conditioning. After revisiting a number of green initiatives, the Hospital drew up short-, medium- and long-term plans for reduction of energy consumption and paper usage, and for emerging as a low carbon hospital and achieving its target in tree conservation. 经过多年的推广活动,东华三院冯尧敬医院已成 功建立环保文化。本年度,医院继续落实各项节 省能源措施,同时积极参与各项环境保护活动, 例如设置收集点妥善处理废弃灯管、铝罐、胶 樽、废纸等。医院亦设置环保告示板,张贴「环 保智能小常识」,并于各个非必要的电灯及冷气 机开关掣贴上节省能源告示,以加强员工的节能 意识。此外,医院还定期邀请认可的树艺师进行 树林评估及保养,为环境保护作出贡献。于2022 年8 月间,医院进行了一次「碳审计」评估,以量 度医院过去3 年日常运行的温室气体排放量。 另外,医院亦参与「碳中和—悭神大比拼」、「无 冷气夜」及「地球一小时」,以减少使用冷气为起 步点,加强员工的环保意识。医院亦已重新规划 多项环保推广活动,在节省能源、节省用纸、低 碳医院及树木保育等环节,制定中、短、长线环 保计划,以达至长远环保目标。 东华东院 东华三院黄大仙医院 东华三院李恩李鋈麟父子中央煎药中心 东华三院冯尧敬医院 Tung Wah Eastern Hospital TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, JP, Father & Son Centralized Decoction Centre TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital Tung Wah Eastern Hospital conducted the annual “Carbon Audit” in December 2022 to evaluate the impact caused by the greenhouse effect of carbon emission during its daily operation. The audit result provided a baseline for the Hospital to evaluate its energy efficiency, while serving as a blueprint for developing future energy management strategies. 东华东院于2022 年12 月进行一年一度的「碳审 计」,分析日常院务运行的排碳对大气层温室效 应的影响,以提供数据作能源使用分析,供院方 评估能源效益及制定长远的能源管理策略。 In 2022/2023, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital participated in several environmental conservation events, including the “No Air Con Night”, “Earth Hour” and more. The Hospital also pledged full support to various green initiatives in the community, as it aimed to share the ecofriendly message with its staff members and raise their awareness of environmental protection. TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, JP, Father & Son Centralized Decoction Centre joined the “Food Waste Collection Pilot Scheme” organised by the Environmental Protection Department in October 2022. Since then, large amounts of herbal residues have been recycled and converted into energy and compost for landscaping and agriculture uses. There are about 4 tonnes of herbal residues produced by the Centre every month. By recycling the herbal residues, TWGHs helps reduce the waste disposal in landfills successfully. In recognition of its contribution to environmental protection, the Centre was invited to join the “Award Presentation for FoodSmart Conference and Expo for the Food and Beverage Trade 2022” and was awarded an appreciation certificate. 东华三院黄大仙医院于2022/2023 年度参与多项 环保活动,包括「无冷气夜」及「地球一小时」等。 医院亦十分支持各项社区环保活动,希望藉此与 员工分享爱护环境的讯息,提升员工对环保的 关注。 东华三院李恩李鋈麟父子中央煎药中 心于2022 月10 月起,参加由环境保 护署举办的「厨余收集先导计划」,回 收大量中药药渣,转化为能源及堆肥, 用于美化环境和农业。中心每月产生 大约4 公吨中药药渣,透过回收中药 药渣,成功减少弃置于堆填区的废弃 物。中心获邀参加「『星星相惜』餐 饮业环保会议及展览2022 颁奖典礼」, 并获颁发感谢状,表扬中心为保护环 境出一分力。 TWGHs has become a green role model for NGOs since the implementation of the “Green Organisation Campaign” in the Group’s medical and health, education, community and traditional services, winning a string of awards during the year. Details are set out in the chapter of “Awards and Honours”. 东华三院多年来积极推行「绿色机构计划」,于 医疗衞生、教育、社会及公共服务各环节的运行 全面推行环境保护政策,是业界的绿色典范,年 内更在多个环保范畴荣获多个奖项,详情请参阅 「奖项及殊荣」一章。 环保成就及奖项 Green Accomplishments and Awards