2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

企业社会责任 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 146 东华三院办公室见习生协作 计划 TWGHs Office Intern Support Scheme Since 2014/2015, TWGHs has been supporting the internship programme of Tung Wah College (TWC) by launching the "Tung Wah Office Intern Support Scheme" to provide job opportunities with on-site mentorship to students from degree programmes under the Work-integrated Learning Programme (WILP) of the College. Starting from 2019/2020, an internship programme was extended to students of the Higher Diploma in Psychology (HDP) of TWC. For the academic year 2021/2022, TWGHs appointed 20 TWC student office interns, including 18 students under the WILP and 2 students under the HDP in 6 Divisions/ Office from June to July or August 2022. Each student intern was paid a salary and received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Group upon completion of the internship. The participating students expressed great appreciation to their on-site supervisors for providing valuable on-thejob training and various work opportunities. The “TWGHs Office Intern Support Scheme” provides valuable work experience for students who aspires to pursue a career in the non-governmental sector. 自2014/2015 年起,本院一直支持东华学院的学 生实习计划,故设立「东华三院办公室见习生协 作计划」,为该学院参与工作体验学习计划的学 位课程学生提供配合职场指导的在职实习机会。 由 2019/2020 年起,计划延展至高级文凭( 心理 学) 学生。本院于2021/2022 学年聘任共20 位 学生,包括18 位学士学位学生及两位高级文凭 学生,分别派驻6 个科/ 办公室,实习期由2022 年6 月至7 月或8 月。每位实习学生均获受薪, 并于完成实习期后获本院颁发奖状。参与的学 生感谢职场主管提供在职培训及多方面的工作 机会。「东华三院办公室见习生协作计划」为有 志投身非政府机构工作的学生提供宝贵的工作 体验。 TWGHs has implemented the “Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services” for 7 consecutive years since 2016/2017. The Scheme aims to provide job opportunities and training for young people aspiring to undertake health care related work in the welfare sector. In 2022/2023, TWGHs recruited 26 staff members through the Scheme and assigned them to elderly and rehabilitation services units for a period of 24 months, during which they were required to attend designated parttime courses. The Group also provided mentorship and career guidance to them. 自2016/2017 年至今,东华三院已连续第七年推 行「青年护理服务启航计划」,为有志投身社福 界护理工作的年轻人提供就业及培训机会。本院 于2022/2023 年透过计划聘用了26 名员工,并 派驻属下安老及复康服务单位工作,为期24 个 月,期间员工须兼读指定课程,而本院亦会为他 们提供师友辅导和就业指导。 青年护理服务启航计划 Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services Since 2010, TWGHs has participated in the Internship Programme organised by the Department of Marketing of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). TWGHs values the Programme as a platform for sharing its corporate spirit with the younger generation and nurturing talent for the community. For the academic year 2021/2022, 3 students were referred by Hong Kong Baptist University and posted to the Medical Division and the Community Services Division of the Group for the internship. To encourage student interns, each student, having completed the internship programme, was granted an internship allowance and awarded a Certificate for Accomplishment by TWGHs. In addition, starting from 2020/2021, TWGHs supported the internship programme of the Department of Management of HKBU and set up the “Human Resources Executive Trainee (HRET) Programme” to provide internship opportunities to students of the human resource management degree programme. In the academic year 2022/2023, TWGHs employed 4 HKBU students as HRETs, who were deployed to the Human Resources Division. Each student intern received salary and a Certificate of Accomplishment from the Group upon completion of the internship. 本院自2010 年起参与香港浸会大学市场学系的 大专生实习计划,为该学系的学生提供不同的实 习机会。透过这个平台,本院积极与年轻新一 代互动交流,分享东华三院的服务精神,并为社 会培育人才。本院于2021/2022 学年获香港浸会 大学编配3 名实习生,到本院医务科及社会服务 科实习。每位完成实习计划的实习生可获得本院 的实习津贴及奖状,以作鼓励。此外,为支持香 港浸会大学管理学系,本院由2020/2021 起增设 「人力资源行政事务实习生计划」,为主修人力 资源管理的学士课程学生提供实习机会。本院于 2022/2023 学年共聘任4 位该系学生为人力资源 行政事务实习生,并派驻到人力资源科实习。每 位实习学生均为受薪,并于完成实习期后获本院 颁发奖状。 香港浸会大学大专生实习计划 Internship Programme with Hong Kong Baptist University 中医医疗服务单位、中学、小学、幼稚园、特殊 学校、教育心理服务中心、安老院舍、护理安老 院、幼儿园、专门辅导服务、危机及介入中心、 综合家庭服务中心、综合服务中心、社区复康中 心、庙宇及殡仪馆。 services units, secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens, special schools, educational psychology service centre, homes for the elderly, care and attention homes, nursery schools, specialised counselling services, crisis intervention and support centre, integrated family service centre, integrated service centre, community rehabilitation centre, temples, as well as funeral parlours.