2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连CONNECTING HEARTS 以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 147 With an aim to raise awareness and further instil a “go-young” corporate image of TWGHs, a brand-new, micro-movie styled 4-minute video “Tung Wah·Dedication to Charity·Devotion for Centuries” was produced, featuring TWGHs key achievements, development, and memorable moments in the past 152 years. The video was broadcast on social and online media as well as on special occasions of the Group in April 2022. A series of social media promotion campaign was launched from May 2022 to early June 2022, which was well received by the young generation and gained more awareness of the public towards the Group. 为提升及进一步塑造东华三院年轻化的企业形 象,本院制作了一辑4 分钟的微电影企业宣传短 片——「东华为善 世纪不变」,纪录东华三院过 去152 年的重大成就、发展及难忘点滴。企业宣 传短片于 2022 年 4 月起在社交平台、网络媒体及 东华三院活动中播放,本院并于2022 年5 月至 2022 年6 月上旬推出一连串社交媒体宣传活动, 广获年青人点击收看,大大提高大众对本院的 认识。 推出全新企业宣传短片 透过社交媒体拉近年轻人距离 东华三院企业品牌推广活动 Getting Closer to the Young Generation through New Corporate Branding Video and Social Media TWGHs Corporate Branding Campaign 创新卖旗推广意念展现 东华三院服务发展的无限可能及延续性 Introducing Innovative Ideas in Flag Day Campaign to Unveil Infinite Possibilities and Sustainability in TWGHs Service Development 本年度,东华三院再次与人气插画师Vivian HO 合作,以「明日东华」为主题,设计4 枚「东华 星球」纸旗,向市民介绍本院在医疗衞生、教 育、社会及公共服务方面的服务和工作,并象征 东华三院服务的未来充满无限可能,藉此鼓励社 This year, TWGHs once again partnered with renowned illustrator Vivian HO. Under the theme “The Future of TWGHs”, Vivian designed the flags featuring 4 “Tung Wah Planets”, which demonstrated to the public the Group’s services and efforts in medical and health, education, community and traditional services, and symbolised the infinite possibilities of TWGHs services in the future. The Campaign aimed to secure more support from the public towards TWGHs for extending our The steady development of TWGHs is attributable to its effective collaboration with various organisations and parties, including the Government and various sectors with a shared goal of serving the community, and to the ardent support from the public. As we continue to expand the scope of our services and promote our corporate brand among different community groups, we also strive to strengthen the long-standing relationship with our stakeholders. 东华三院得以稳步发展,乃建基于本院与各机构和团体的紧密 联系,包括政府及社会各界,同心同力服务社群,并广获市民 大众的鼎力支持。本院将会持续开拓服务领域,竭力推广企业 品牌,接触社会各阶层,积极加强与持份者建立的长久关系。