2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 148 宣传短片 Animated video 会大众踊跃捐输,让本院继续提供更优质及适切 的服务,惠及社会更多有需要人士。 本院亦善用在线及线下渠道,透过社交媒体游戏 及宣传、报章专访、港铁站多媒体广告、宣传短 片、 纪念品及精华短片回顾等不同平台及方法作 推广,吸引更多市民支持,为东华三院卖旗筹款 活动注入持续发展的元素。 quality and appropriate services to more beneficiaries in the society. The Group also made use of both online and offline channels including social media games, social media marketing, feature interviews on newspapers, multimedia advertising at MTR stations, promotional videos, souvenirs as well as event highlight videos to underscore the prominence of the TWGHs Flag Day, and thus to garner wider support from the public to drive the sustainable development of TWGHs Flag Day fund-raising campaign. 一套共 4 款的纸旗展示东华三院的多元化服务, 充满创新及未来感。 A set of 4 paper flag stickers featuring the Group's diversified services is imbued with innovative taste and futuristic sense. 社交媒体小游戏及宣传 Online social media games and advertising 港铁站多媒体广告 Multimedia advertising at MTR Stations 马清扬主席( 左四) 联同人气插画师 Vivian HO ( 左三) 到访东华三院越龄,与年 轻长者一同接受媒体访问,呼吁市民支持东华三院卖旗日。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 4), the Chairman, and renowned illustrator Vivian HO (left 3) paid a visit to TWGHs Engage, where they conducted a press interview together with the young old and appealed for public support for the TWGHs Flag Day. 本院采用不同的媒体平台宣传卖旗日,吸引更多市民认识东华三院。 TWGHs promoted the TWGHs Flag Day via different media platforms to make TWGHs even more widely recognised.