2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 149 活动精华短片 An event highlight video 报章专访 Media feature interviews WhatsApp 贴图 WhatsApp stickers 网上小游戏纪念品 Online game souvenirs Capitalising on multiple media platforms and channels, TWGHs had been at the forefront of introducing and promoting to the public its up-to-date developments, covering the areas of medical and health, education, community, historical and cultural heritage, traditional services, fund-raising activities as well as anti-epidemic community support and financial assistance programmes. With a myriad of media coverages, including thematic media feature interviews, feature articles in newspapers and magazines, regular themed columns in selected media and more, TWGHs expounded its contemporary services from various perspectives to people of all ages and from walks of life. Among them, the Chairman participated in multiple feature interviews covering the following topics: 东华三院通过不同的传媒及渠道,向公众介绍及 推广年内的最新发展,包括医疗衞生、教育、社 会、历史文化保育、公共服务、筹募活动等范畴, 以及抗疫社区支援及资助计划等。东华三院本年 度亦透过专题访问、报章和杂志报导,以及定期 的资讯专栏,以各种宣传形式,多角度阐述本院 的现代化服务,加强与不同年龄及层面的市民接 触。当中,主席就以下主题接受了多家传媒的专 题访问: 善用各种媒体 积极推广东华三院的多元化服务 Promoting TWGHs Diversified Services through Dynamic Media Publicity Initiatives · · · · · · · · · TWGHs Anti-epidemic Community Support and Financial Assistance Programmes; TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Drone Competition and STEM Education Development; TWGHs NFT Marketplace; TWGHs Redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital; TWGHs Educational Philosophy and Work; TWGHs Community Services: Youth Empowerment Programmes; TWGHs Flag Day 2022; and TWGHs Traditional Services. TWGHs proudly presents: HKAA “HZM Bridge Car Parade” in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR; · · · · · · · · · 东华三院的抗疫社区支援及资助计划; 东华三院广华医院重建项目; 东华三院中学联校无人机比赛及 STEM 教育 发展; 东华三院在支援青年人方面的社会服务; 东华三院 NFT Marketplace 慈善平台; 东华三院的办学理念及教育工作; 东华三院卖旗日2022; 及 东华三院公共服务。 东华三院呈献: 香港汽车会主办庆祝特区成立 25 周年港珠澳大桥汽车巡游;