2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 150 To enhance the transparency of the Group’s operations and stay in touch with different sectors, TWGHs produces quality and attractive corporate publications and videos on an annual basis, enabling stakeholders to know more about the efforts and achievements of TWGHs and to be updated on the Group’s latest developments. The TWGHs corporate video is also updated annually, which incorporates vivid images and voice navigation, to introduce the Group’s new initiatives to the general public. To better serve users speaking in different languages and for use on various occasions, the video is available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English, and in full, medium-length and highlighted versions. 为提高本院运行的透明度,并与各界保持联系, 东华三院每年悉心制作内容丰富精彩的机构刊物 及宣传片,让不同持份者认识东华三院的工作和 成果,以及了解本院的最新动向。 本院每年均会更新企业宣传片,以影像及声音导 航向市民简介本院最新发展。企业宣传片设有广 东话、普通话及英语版本,同时备有详尽、简洁 及精华版,照顾不同语言人士之余,也方便于不 同场合播放。 精美企业刊物及宣传片与各界保持沟通 Quality Corporate Publications and Videos to Connect with Different Sectors ( 左起)《东华三院机构简介2022/2023》及《东华通讯》 (From left) TWGHs Corporate Brochure 2022/2023 and Tung Wah News 东华三院企业宣传片向市民简介东华三院的最新发展。 TWGHs Corporate Video introduces TWGHs new initiatives to the general public.