2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

以心相连 CONNECTING HEARTS 155 马清扬主席( 第一排右九) 联同董事局成员与历届主席及总理于东华三院历届总理联谊会第210 次联欢午宴上合照 Group photo of Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (1st row, right 9), the Chairman, with Board Members as well as former Chairmen and Directors at the 210th Reunion Luncheon of The Association of Past and Present Directors of TWGHs With an aim to strengthening the network among former and current Board Members, the 210th Reunion Luncheon of The Association of Past and Present Directors of TWGHs was held on 14 June 2022. 为了让历届及现任董事局成员保持紧密联系,本 院于2022 年6 月14 日举行东华三院历届总理联 谊会第210 次联欢午宴,以维系历届董事局成员 的友谊。 维系历届董事局成员的网络 促进历届董事局成员间之联系 Maintaining Good Networking with Former and Current Boards Fostering Relationship among Directors of Former and Current Boards 马清扬主席( 左三) 与执行委员会成员代表本院捐赠20 万元予 惩教署人员子女教育信托基金,由惩教署署长黄国兴先生CSDSM ( 右三) 代表接受。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 3), the Chairman, and members of the Executive Committee donated $200,000 to Correctional Services Children's Education Trust on behalf of the Group. Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM (right 3), Commissioner of Correctional Services, received the cheque on behalf of the Department. 马清扬主席( 右) 代表本院捐赠20 万元予香港海关人员子女教育 信托基金,由海关关长何佩珊女士CDSM, CMSM ( 左) 代表接受。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right), the Chairman, donated $200,000 to Customs and Excise Service Children's Education Trust Fund on behalf of the Group. Ms. HO Pui Shan, Louise, CDSM, CMSM (left), Commissioner of Customs and Excise, received the cheque on behalf of the Department.