2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

财务回顾 FINANCIAL REVIEW 161 2023 年1 月31 日综合资产负债表 ( 未经审计) Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31 January 2023 (Unaudited) 非流动资产 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 24,878 25,813 总非流动资产 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 4,152 3,598 总流动资产 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 936 807 总流动负债 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,442 1,447 总非流动负债 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 28,094 28,604 总资产减流动负债 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 26,652 27,157 资产净值 NET ASSETS 26,652 27,157 储备及基金 ( 附注三) RESERVE AND FUNDS (Note 3) 3,216 2,791 流动资产净值 NET CURRENT ASSETS 流动负债 CURRENT LIABILITIES 流动负债 CURRENT LIABILITIES 非流动负债 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,932 9 237 22,019 68 118 927 28 57 15 24 4,047 15 62 494 1,356 物业、机器、设备及发展中项目 Property, Plant, Equipment and Work in Progress 存货 Inventories 应付账款 Accounts Payable 投资物业 ( 附注一) Investment Properties (Note 1) 应收账项 Accounts Receivable 预收账款 Receipt in Advance 以公允值计量之股票投资 Equity Investments at Fair Value 杂项按金及预付账项 Sundry Deposits and Prepayments 应计费用、合约及租贷负债 Provisions, Contracts and Lease Liabilities 庙宇来往账 Current Account for Temples 应计费用及租贷负债 Provisions and Lease Liabilities 现金及银行存款 ( 附注二) Cash and Bank Balances (Note 2) 政府专上教育贷款 Loan from the Government for Post-secondary Education 政府专上教育贷款 Loan from the Government for Post-secondary Education 递延政府资助 Deferred Government Subvention 递延政府津贴及善款 Deferred Government Subsidies and Donation 2,490 3 122 22,289 40 119 1,034 33 35 48 34 3,522 15 47 468 1,366 2022 年3 月31 日 31 March 2022 以百万元计 in $ Million 2023 年1 月31 日 31 January 2023 以百万元计 in $ Million 附注: Notes: 一. 二. 三. 投资物业根据香港财务报告准则以公允值入 账,并由合资格测量师于每个财政年度末作重 估。投资物业之租金收入用于支持东华三院 主要服务营运及未来发展。 现金及银行存款包含属于资助服务及资助学 校之现金约13 亿6,100 万元。现金总计用 来应付政府资助之指定服务及项目,以及 东华三院内部流动资金及已承诺服务发展的 资金要求。 至2022 年3 月31 日,储备及基金内包括社 会福利署整笔拨款资助服务单位的非定影员 工的公积金储备,共1 亿7,300 万元。预计 于2022/2023 财政年度结束后,公积金储备 将累积至1 亿8,300 万元。公积金储备按指 定之用途,用于非定影员工的公积金供款, 为更善用有关储备,东华三院于2016/2017 财政年度将有关的雇主供款比率上调。 最新的东华三院社会服务周年财务报告 - 整笔拨款,请经以下超级链接浏览: http://www.tungwahcsd.org/tc/about-us/ annual-financial-report 1. 2. 3. Investment properties were stated at fair market value with revaluation performed by qualified surveyor at each financial year end date in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. The rental income earned from the investment properties is used to support the operations of major services and further development of TWGHs. Cash and Bank Balances included cash of approximately $1,361 million attributable to subvented services and aided schools. The overall balance is used to meet requirements of government subventions for designated services and projects as well as internal reserve of TWGHs for working capital and committed service development. Included in the Reserve and Funds was a balance of $173 million in the Provident Fund Reserve (Reserve) for non-snapshot staff of the Social Welfare Department's Lump Sum Grant subvented service units as at 31 March 2022. It is projected that the Reserve will be $183 million at the end of the 2022/2023 financial year. The Reserve is to be used for provident fund contributions for non-snapshot staff members. To better utilise the Reserve, the employer's provident fund contribution rates were enhanced in the 2016/2017 financial year. For the latest Annual Financial Report of Social Welfare Services (Lump Sum Grant) of TWGHs, please visit the link below: http://www.tungwahcsd.org/en/about-us/annual-financial-report