2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

人力资源 HUMAN RESOURCES 马清扬主席( 右四) 和行政总监苏祐安 先生( 右五) 到访本院参展摊位。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 4), the Chairman, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 5), Chief Executive, visited the exhibition booth of TWGHs. 本院员工参与培训以提升对《香港国安 法》的认识。 TWGHs staff members participated in training session to enhance awareness of the National Security Law. Subsequent to the launch of the “No-pay Leave Electronic Application Form” on the newly established “Automatic Workflows Administrative Platform” in 2021, the “Extension of Service Electronic Application Form” was launched on 7 September 2022. In collaboration with the Information Technology Division, the Human Resources Division has developed and implemented the operational framework for “Maternity Leave” and “Paternity Leave” e-applications and has developed relevant Electronic Form System. To drive the digitalisation of human resources management, the coverage of the electronic form system will be further extended to other HR application forms. To enrich staff members’ knowledge of the National Security Law, the Basic Law, the constitutional development of Hong Kong as well as national affairs, TWGHs organised a series of staff training sessions initially in 2021. Over 1,000 staff members including management, the school heads, social workers and frontline staff participated in these sessions. The second phase of the training programme was organised in 2022 with over 500 newly recruited and frontline staff as participants. Other school/centre-based training workshops will also be arranged by the Education Division and Community Services Division as needed. 继2021 年在新设立的「行政工作流程自动化 平台」上推出「无薪假期电子申请表格」后,「延 展服务电子申请表格」已经建立,并于2022 年9 月7 日推出。此外,人力资源科与资讯科技科共 同协作,制定了「产假」与「侍产假」电子申请 表格操作框架,开发相关电子申请表格系统,并 继续将电子表格系统延展至其它人力资源申请表 格,推动人力资源管理数据化。 为加深员工对《香港国安法》、《基本法》、香港 政制发展及祖国国情的认识,本院于2021 年首 办一系列相关的研习课程,超过1,000 名管理人 员、校长、社工及前线人员参与。本院于本年度 举办了第二阶段的培训课程,为逾500 名新入职 及前线员工提供学习平台。教育科及社会服务科 亦会按学校及服务单位需要,安排不同的培训 课堂。 更新求变 强化系统 迈步向前 提升专业 Leading Through Changes, We Build a Modern Human Resources System Moving Forward, We Champion Human Resources Professionalism 开拓电子表格系统 提升员工意识 遵守《香港国安法》 Development of Electronic Form System Enhancing Staff Awareness to Comply with the National Security Law 164