2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

员工关系及发展 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT 167 人力资源管理策略 Strategies of Human Resources Management 培养关爱机构文化 Nurturing a Caring Corporate Culture 东华三院致力培养关爱机构文化,采取以员工为 本的人力资源管理策略,关怀雇员及其家属。有 赖员工团结一心,本院成为一家广为大众认识、 Committed to nurturing a caring and loving corporate culture, TWGHs adopts a staff-oriented approach in human resources management, and cares about its employees and their family members. Thanks to the 推行人力资源措施以支援抗疫 Launching Human Resources Measures for Supporting the Anti-epidemic Services 本院增设特定的职位及薪酬措施,支援及推动员 工参与与2019 冠状病毒病相关的服务,包括于 本院承办的启德邮轮码头社区隔离设施,增设职 位及招聘员工;为2019 冠状病毒病确诊者的陪 诊服务提供额外人力支援;就东华三院寰宇殡仪 馆为2019 冠状病毒病确诊先人提供瞻仰遗容等 殡仪服务,特设辛勤津贴、逾时工作津贴、仵工 特别服务收费,以及感染2019 冠状病毒病的病 假,推动员工担任相关服务工作。为纾缓疫情期 间的人手压力,本院亦就社会服务科员工的内部 替假工作提供特别薪金安排。此外,本院亦于医 疗衞生服务单位增设人手,提供新冠疫苗接种服 务,为支援「2019 冠状病毒病疫苗接种计划」 及确诊住院病人中医特别诊疗服务的医护人员设 立辛勤津贴,以及为网上中医服务设立特别奖金 计划。 为响应政府于2022年举行的全港「防疫服务包」 包装及派发大行动,本院于一天内动员逾300 名 员工,组成东华抗疫志愿者团队,参与「防疫服务 包」的包装工作及分发予不同地区的市民。 纵使疫情持续,本院亦积极于可行的情况下,加 强各项防疫及衞生措施,更新员工参与活动的 防疫指引,使员工于出席活动时得到更安全的保 护。福利活动包括员工保龄球赛、员工足球队集 训开展仪式、东华三院庙宇及文化一日游、员 工龙舟队及足球队周年聚餐、香港主题乐园度 假、员工龙舟队集训开展仪式及不同的兴趣班 等,借以连系董事局成员、管理层及员工,推广 东华三院的关爱文化。 为感谢员工在这超过两年的抗疫路上一直紧守岗 位,维持东华三院服务运行正常,董事局特别向 超过18,000 位员工送上「东华感谢您」心意包, 亦不时为总部同事及单位员工派发「打气礼物 篮」,为大家打打气。 The Group created new posts and put in place special incentive measures to support and motivate staff members to undertake COVID-19 related services. Such initiatives included the creation of new posts and staff recruitment for the community isolation facility operated by TWGHs at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal; providing additional manpower support for the escort services for the COVID-19 patients; granting hardship allowance, overtime allowance and enhanced service charging rates for undertakers and sick leave for those infected to motivate funeral staff at TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour to offer relevant services for COVID-19 deceased cases; providing special pay arrangements for internal relief work for Community Services Division to relieve manpower shortage. In addition, new posts were created in medical and health services units for the COVID-19 vaccination services. Hardship allowances were granted to the medical staff providing support to the "COVID-19 Vaccination Programme" and Chinese medicine consultation services for COVID-19 in-patients. A special incentive payment scheme was also introduced for the Chinese medicine practitioners delivering online consultation services. In support of the Government’s initiative of a territory-wide packaging and distribution of the “anti-epidemic service bags” in 2022, TWGHs mobilised over 300 staff members within one day to form a Tung Wah Volunteer Team to assist in the packaging and distribution of “antiepidemic service bags” in various districts. TWGHs proactively engaged its staff amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the precautionary and hygiene measures and updating the anti-epidemic guideline for staff members attending various events in order to enhance the health protection for them. Substantial efforts were made in organising a wide range of welfare activities for staff, including Staff Bowling Tournament, Staff Football Team Kickoff Ceremony of Practice Session, TWGHs Temples and Culture Tour, Staff Dragon Boat and Football Team Annual Gathering, Theme Park Staycation, Staff Dragon Boat Team Kick-off Ceremony of Practice Session and various interest classes, to connect Board Members, management and staff to promote the Group’s culture of care. To express the Board’s gratitude for the relentless support, hard work and contributions of the staff during the pandemic, the Board Members distributed gift packs to over 18,000 staff members. In addition, the gifts packed in “Cheer Baskets” were distributed to the staff of the Administration Headquarters and various service units. 马清扬主席于政府的2022年「防疫服务包」 大行动志愿者嘉许典礼代表本院接受感谢状。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, received a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of TWGHs at the award ceremony in recognition of the participation in the packaging and distribution of "anti-epidemic service bags" organised by the Government in 2022. 感谢状 Certificate of Appreciation