员工关系及发展 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT 168 营造良好的沟通环境 Providing an Enabling Environment for Communication 东华三院设有一套完善的员工咨询机制,包括员 工咨询委员会、员工福利委员会及员工退休计划 管理委员会,鼓励员工向管理层积极表达意见及 提出建议,务求优化各项现行措施。除咨询机制 外,员工亦可透过意见收集箱及其它正式或非正 式的分享会,在他们所属的专业领域表达意见。 社交媒体的发展瞬息万变,本院积极开拓及善用 多元化的沟通渠道,透过不同的社交平台发放 东华三院的最新信息,包括设立「东华 · 家」员 工Facebook 专页,与同事分享最新的员工关系 及福利活动、生活小贴士及员工活动花絮等资 讯,亦设立「东华 · 家」YouTube 频道,上载与人 力资源相关的短片,增加员工之间的凝聚力。人 力资源科亦与资讯科技科合作,开发手机应用程 式,于2023 年第一季分阶段推出,让员工随时 随地可收取员工训练及福利的资讯。为加强员工 的归属感,东华三院自2011 年起定期发布员工 电子通讯《东华 · 家》,让员工回顾活动的精彩时 刻和掌握人力资源信息,内容涵盖机构成就、人 事管理、培训及发展计划、员工关系及福利活动。 本院因应员工编制增长,于本年度再次检讨及 修订「长期服务旅游评选奖励计划」,以资助更 多得奖员工与亲友同游,连同一系列的长期服务 奖、荣誉退休奖及员工荣休旅游奖,本院合共颁 发超过1,800 个奖项,以表扬长期服务及工作表 现良好的员工。受限于全球疫情及旅游管制,本 年度「长期服务旅游评选奖励计划」的外游期限 顺延,并扩阔旅游范畴至本地游(包括本地旅行 团、宅度假和本地邮轮旅游团/游轮公海等)及到 澳门旅游,让获奖员工能够更灵活计划旅程。 TWGHs has a well-established staff consultative mechanism, comprising the Staff Consultative Committee, the Staff Welfare Committee and the Staff Retirement Schemes Management Committee, to encourage staff members to voice their opinion and make suggestions for optimising current measures. In addition, staff members may express their views relating to their professional fields through opinion boxes as well as other formal or casual sharing sessions. In light of the rapid development of social media, TWGHs is maximising the use of diversified communication channels, including social media platforms, to disseminate updated information and announcements of TWGHs. For instance, the Staff Facebook Page “Tung Wah +” was set up to share the latest information about staff relations, welfare activities and useful tips for healthy lifestyle and well-being. The “Tung Wah +” YouTube Channel was also launched to share TWGHs human resources related videos and enhance the bond amongst staff members. In collaboration with the Information Technology Division, a mobile app for staff members was developed by Human Resources Division and launched in phases from the 1st quarter of 2023, enabling them to access staff training and welfare information without physical and time limitations. With an aim to enhance staff members’ sense of belonging, the Tung Wah + e-newsletter has been published for staff members on a regular basis since 2011. The e-newsletter shares activity highlights and keeps the staff posted on the latest human resources information, such as corporate achievements, personnel management, training and development programmes, staff relations and welfare activities. In consideration of the continued growth in staff establishment, the “Long Service Travel Panel Award Scheme” was reviewed and revised again this year to sponsor trips for more staff and their family members or friends. Including a number of Long Service Awards, Retirement Awards and Travel Awards for Staff on Retirement, over 1,800 awards were granted to staff members in appreciation of their long-term service and outstanding performance. Given the global pandemic and corresponding travel restrictions, the Group extended the travel period and expand the types of travel for the “Long Service Travel Panel Awards Scheme” to local trips (including local tours/staycation/cruisecation) and trips to Macau this year, allowing greater flexibility for awardees in planning their trips. 「东华 · 家」员工Facebook 专页 Staff Facebook Page "Tung Wah +" 成就和声誉屡获肯定的慈善机构。因此,本院致 力灵活地配合员工的个别发展需求,以提升员工 的工作热诚,并与本院建立深厚的连系。同时, 董事局及高级管理层积极投入院务工作和关顾员 工,感染员工将这份关爱推而广之,用心服务受 众。东华三院亦致力为员工带来「家」的感觉, 提倡愉快工作环境,于年内举办各类型的员工福 利活动,例如圣诞联欢会、主题乐园两天游及兴 趣班,以加强员工对机构的归属感,并推动跨部 门合作与共融。 solidarity of staff members, the Group has become a well-recognised, reputable and successful charitable organisation. Therefore, the Group is flexible when it comes to addressing the development needs of individual staff, as it engages them to work passionately with a profound connection with the organisation. In addition, the caring attitude and proactive involvement of the Board and senior management have encouraged staff members to spread the caring spirit, thus motivating them to serve the community wholeheartedly. TWGHs also strives to create a feeling of “being at home” to enhance the level of happiness-atwork for its staff members. A wide variety of staff welfare activities were organised throughout the year, such as a Christmas Party, 2-day theme park staycation tours and interest classes, to strengthen the staff’s sense of belonging to the Group, and to promote cross-departmental integration and cooperation.