2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

员工关系及发展 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT 169 「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中的家国情」展览导赏 An exhibition guided tour of "Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong's Historic Buildings" 员工培训及发展计划 Staff Training and Development Programmes 承先启后 继往开来 Inheriting the Past and Creating the Future 员工心系东华三院,在工作中找到热诚和意义, 自能成为关爱文化的倡导者,与机构迈向共同目 标。作为关爱雇主,东华三院致力成为员工的第 二个家,照顾员工在不同人生阶段的需要。同 时,本院以「东华精神」鼓励员工推己及人,对 待服务受众犹如至亲,提供优质贴心的服务。 为巩固员工的「东华精神」,人力资源科的员工 训练组与档案及历史文化办公室合作于2022 年 11 月17 日合办「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中 的家国情」展览导赏,让员工了解香港历史与 东华三院历史、档案和文物的关系,从而推广机 构文化及增加员工对工作的投入度和使命感。 To create strong bonding with each staff member, TWGHs is dedicated to exploring ways to help staff discover the passion and meaning at work, and therefore share the same goal with the Group in advocating a caring culture. As a caring and loving employer that creates a second home for its employees, TWGHs takes care of employees’ unique development needs in their different stages of life. Staff members are also nurtured with “Tung Wah Spirit”, as they are encouraged to provide service users with quality services as if they were their next of kin. In a bid to reinforce the “Tung Wah Spirit” among staff members, an exhibition guided tour of “Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong’s Historic Buildings” was co-organised by the Staff Training Unit of the Human Resources Division in collaboration with the Records and Heritage Office on 17 November 2022. The visit promoted the corporate culture and strengthened staff members’ sense of engagement and mission by enhancing their understanding of the connection between Hong Kong and the history, archives and relics of TWGHs. 培训导师以网上形式与本院员工举行培训工作坊。 A trainer was delivering an online training workshop to TWGHs staff members. 推动网上培训工作坊 创造跨部门团队学习体验 Promoting Online Training Workshops Creating Cross-departmental Learning Experience 东华三院致力推动多元化的员工培训,除了传统 的面授课程,亦与时并进地推出网上培训工作 坊,让员工于疫情下继续自我增值。人力资源科 员工训练组为员工举办不同的网上培训工作坊, 包括「静观压力管理」及「冲突及投诉处理」,让 参加者在日常生活中学习照顾自己的身心需要, 以及掌握高效沟通技巧。 东华三院不仅致力推动员工在个人服务岗位上尽 展所长,精益求精,同时亦尽心尽力提升他们的 人际及沟通技巧。员工训练组举办了「成长思维」 工作坊,让员工透过辨识思维模式,学习欣赏他 人,建立多世代共融工作环境。此外,为加强行 政人员及主管级员工的领导能力,亦举办了「提 升督导魅力与管治技巧」工作坊,让同事理解革 新管理哲学,思考和分析不同处境,推动他们成 为出色领袖。 TWGHs is dedicated to promoting diversified staff training programmes. Apart from conventional face-to-face training workshops, online training workshops such as “Mindfulness-Based Stress Management” and “Complaints Handling” were organised by the Staff Training Unit of the Human Resources Division to facilitate staff learning under the restrictions amid the pandemic. These courses were conducted to equip staff members with a responsive mindset to maintain well-being and effective communication in daily life. TWGHs is dedicated to nurturing staff members’ capabilities not only in performing their duties but also in interpersonal and communication skills. The Staff Training Unit organised a training workshop on “Growth Mindset” with an aim to strengthen multi-generation connections in the workplace by fostering a growth and appreciation mindset in communication. In addition, a workshop on “Leadership Style and Supervisory Charisma” was held for executives and supervisory staff to further uplift their leadership skills with an enhanced understanding of innovative management approaches as well as the capabilities to analyse various scenarios, and to motivate them to become excellent leaders.