2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

员工关系及发展 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT 171 于2022/2023年度完成的员工培训及发展计划 Staff Training and Development Programmes Completed in 2022/2023 · · Highlights of Non-hospital Staff Training and Development Programmes: Appendix ER1 Hospital Staff Development and Research Programmes (Sponsored by the TWGHs Board of Directors): Appendix ER2 · · Highlights of Staff Training and Development Programmes of the Community Services Division: Appendix ER4 Highlights of Teaching Staff Training and Development Programmes: Appendix ER3 ·Highlights of Staff Training and Development Programmes of the Traditional Services Section: Appendix ER5 · · · 非医院员工培训及发展项目概要:附录ER1 医院员工发展及研究(由东华三院董事局资助): 附录ER2 教师培训及发展项目概要:附录ER3 ·公共服务部员工培训及发展项目概要: 附录ER5 ·社会服务科员工培训及发展项目概要: 附录ER4 建立健康及安全工作间 关怀员工 Building a Healthy and Safe Workplace Caring about Employees 优化工伤个案管理 与东华三院共建快乐大家庭 Enhancing Work Injury Management Building a Happy Family with TWGHs 东华三院就处理社会服务单位的工伤个案设立工 作小组,以优化工伤个案的管理。工作小组定期 举行会议,检视工伤个案的进度。另外,本院亦 聘请了一家复康管理公司,为受伤员工提供适切 及优质的复康服务。 东华三院关顾员工的身心健康,一直响应社商 贤汇的号召,连续8年把「生活与工作平衡周」 延展至「生活与工作平衡月」(「平衡月」)。 本年度,马清扬主席、人力资源委员会主任委 员邓明慧副主席、人力资源委员会副主任委 员吴郑雅瑜总理及行政总监苏祐安先生主持 「平衡月」的开展仪式,参与环保3D拼图活动 及性格小测试,为「平衡月」揭开序幕。此外, 马清扬主席亦联同一众董事局成员及行政总监 苏祐安先生拍摄宣传短片,与大家分享生活小 趣事。 东华三院深信,一支充满活力且敬业乐业的工作 团队,定能吸引员工更投入工作,并从中体会到 服务社会的意义和乐趣。秉持「以员工为本」的 原则,本院致力培养关爱机构文化、推广生活与 工作平衡,以及发展成为员工的第二个家。管理 层抱持营造愉快工作间的理念,提升员工的快乐 指数和归属感,不但有助提高机构的生产力,亦 有助机构实践社会责任。 TWGHs has set up a task force on work injury management for community services units to enhance the management of work injury cases. The task force convenes regular meetings to review the progress of work injury cases. Meanwhile, a rehabilitation management company has been appointed to provide proper and quality rehabilitation services for the injured staff members. With a firm commitment to taking good care of TWGHs staff members’ mental and physical health, TWGHs has been supporting the Community Business and extending the “Work-life Balance Week” to “Work-life Balance Month” for 8 consecutive years. This year, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi, Director cum Vice-Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert, Chief Executive, jointly officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony of "Work-life Balance Month", where they assembled 3D puzzles and played a personality quiz. Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, Board Members and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert, Chief Executive, also participated in the production of an in-house video sharing their happy moments. It is the firm conviction of TWGHs that an energetic and engaged work force will encourage staff to devote themselves to and take pleasure in the meaningful missions of serving the community. By adopting the “staff-oriented” approach, the Group is devoted to cultivating a caring corporate culture, promoting work-life balance, and growing itself to be a second home for employees. The management also embraces the concept of maintaining a pleasant workplace that increases staff happiness and their sense of belonging. These help the Group to enhance productivity and fulfil social responsibilities. 「平衡月」以「拥抱生活,乐在东华」为主题,除 了举办不同的轻松减压活动,包括「酒精水墨画」 和「手调香水」工作坊,亦透过不同渠道发放健康 生活小贴士,鼓励同事准时下班,举行便服月, 以及派发特别设计的「东华 · 家」环保袋予全院同 事。麦邓蕙敏总理更特意为同事送上营养保健品, 希望同事维持强健体魄,保持身体健康。此外, 于「夏日松一松」活动中,本院为总部同事送上润 Themed “Embrace Your Life, Rejoice at Tung Wah”, the “Work-life Balance Month” comprised not only various stress relief workshops, including “Alcohol Ink Art” and “Natural Perfume Making”, but also e-tips on healthy lifestyle disseminated to staff through different channels. Meanwhile, a “Lights-off on Time” campaign and a “Casual Wear Month” were held, with specially designed “Tung Wah + Shopping Bags” distributed to the staff. Moreover, supplements sponsored by Mrs. MAK TANG Wai Man, Vivian, Director, were also sent to the staff for their good health. In addition, throat lozenges were distributed to the Administration Headquarters staff as an energy booster during