2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

员工关系及发展 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT 172 员工福利 实施「星期五便服日」 Staff Welfare and Benefits Introducing “Dress Casual Fridays” 鼓励团队运动 促进健康人生 Promoting Healthy Lifestyle and Team Spirit 为鼓励员工积极参与本院举办的球赛和其它公开 队际赛事,本年举办不同的球类比赛及「员工自 东华三院关心员工的生活,致力优化5个范畴的 员工福利,包括医疗与牙科服务、服务奖励、福 利津贴与借贷、购物优惠,以及文娱康乐活动。 本院一向全力支持推广生活与工作平衡,于2022 年8月19日开始,实施「星期五便服日」,为员工 提供轻松及舒适的工作环境,并鼓励及方便员工 在公余时间多参与康体活动。 TWGHs launched various sport tournaments and the "Sponsorship for Self-arranged Sports Programme” in 2022/2023, as part of its drive to TWGHs cares about its staff members and strives to optimise their fringe benefits in 5 major areas, including medical and dental benefits, service awards, grants and loans, preferential discounts as well as social and recreational activities. TWGHs has been committed to promoting work-life balance. With a view to providing a relaxing and comfortable working environment for staff members and encouraging them to take part in more sports and recreational activities, the “Dress Casual Fridays” started on 19 August 2022. 马清扬主席( 左二)、人力资源委员会主任委员邓明慧副主席( 右二)、人力资 源委员会副主任委员吴郑雅瑜总理(左一)及行政总监苏祐安先生(右一)于「生 活与工作平衡月」开展仪式上手持3D拼图合照 A group photo of Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 2), the Chairman, Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (right 2), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi (left 1), Director cum Vice-Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 1), Chief Executive, holding 3D puzzles at the Kick-off Ceremony of "Work-Life Balance Month" 马清扬主席联同一众董事局成员及 行政总监苏祐安先生拍摄一系列推广 「生活与工作平衡月」的短片,与大 家分享生活小趣事。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, Board Members and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert, Chief Executive, shared their happy moments in a series of "Work-life Balance Month" videos. 酒精水墨画工作坊 Alcohol Ink Art Workshop 「夏日松一松」 "Tea Time in Summer" 手调香水工作坊 Natural Perfume Making Workshop 喉糖,并将活动延展至档案及历史文化办公室、 东华学院、属下学校及教育科服务单位员工,向 各位传递关怀。 the “Tea Time in Summer” event. This event was also extended to the Records and Heritage Office, Tung Wah College and TWGHs schools and education services units to show care for staff members. 员工是东华三院的重要资产,因此本院推出多项 计划保障他们的身心健康,包括免费流感疫苗注 射计划,以及连续10年为员工提供「精明人生促 进计划」24小时个人咨询及辅导支援服务;又透 过关怀咭,为住院员工送上祝福,并以电邮定期 向员工发放生活与工作平衡信息,以及面对人生 转变和突发事件的小贴士,陪伴员工走过人生不 同阶段。 Given that staff members are valuable assets to TWGHs, we launched a diverse range of programmes during the year to remind them to take good care of their physical and mental well-being. These programmes included the Free Influenza Vaccination Programme, and “The Love Life, Live Smart” employee assistance programme held consecutively for the 10th year, which came with a round-the-clock personnel consultation and counselling services. Caring cards were sent to hospitalised staff members to express the Group’s best wishes for their speedy recovery, while e-tips on work-life balance, advice on life events and self-care measures during emergencies and traumatic incidents were regularly sent to staff members to help them ride out their storms of life.