2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

物业发展及管理 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT 176 Renovation, Maintenance and Improvement Projects 装修 、维修及改善工程 本院物业科于2022/2023 年度共完成38 项主要 的装修、维修及改善工程,另有71 项工程正处 于施工阶段,总工程费用达6 亿4,660 万元。已 竣工的主要工程包括: A total of 38 major renovation, maintenance and improvement projects were completed by the Property Division of the Group during the year 2022/2023 while another 71 projects are in progress, incurring a total project cost of $646.6 million. Major projects completed include: ·the alteration and addition works of TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital – Hong Kong Baptist University Sophia Wang Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre; ·东华三院黄大仙医院-香港浸会大学王李名珍 中医药临床研究服务中心的改动及加建工程; · · · 东华三院方树福堂幼稚园位于皇后山邨新校舍 的装修工程(第一期); 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务( 深水埗/ 油 尖旺/九龙城[部分])的装修工程; 东华三院蔡荣星小学的增补工程(第一期); · · the top-up fitting-out works of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School (Phase 1); the fitting-out works of the new school campus of TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten at Queens Hill Estate (Phase 1); ·the fitting-out works of TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Sham Shui Po/Yau Tsim Mong/Kowloon City [Partial]); 过渡性房屋项目 Transitional Housing Projects 东华三院继营运位于深水埗的过渡性房屋项目 「南昌220」后,于2021/2022 年度及2022/2023 年度获政府「支援非政府机构推行过渡性房屋 项目的资助计划」评审委员会同意批出拨款, 分别于马鞍山落禾沙里、启德沐安街及流浮山 深湾路兴建及营运过渡性房屋项目。三个项目 合共将提供约2,100 个单位,而租金水平将低于 巿值租金。单位内设有煮食间和洗手间,亦备 有足够的户外休憩及活动空间供住户日常生活 之用。这3 个项目的服务对象为已轮候公共租 住房屋至少3 年,或现居住于严重不适切居所 人士,纾缓他们在轮候公共租住房屋期间的住 屋需要及改善生活环境和质素。东华三院马鞍 山落禾沙过渡性房屋及东华三院启德沐安街过 渡性房屋的动土典礼已分别于2022 年11 月22 日及2023 年2 月2 日举行,并同时邀得房屋局 局长何永贤太平绅士主礼。 Having operated the transitional housing project “Nam Cheong 220” in Sham Shui Po, TWGHs received funding from the Assessment Committee for the “Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-governmental Organisations” for the construction and operation of the transitional housing projects in Lok Wo Sha Lane, Ma On Shan, Muk On Street, Kai Tak and Deep Bay Road, Lau Fau Shan in the year 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. The 3 projects will provide about 2,100 units with affordable rents below the market level. Each unit will be equipped with a kitchen and a toilet, as well as sufficient leisure and activity space for the enjoyment of the residents. Targeting people who have been on the Public Rental Housing (PRH) waiting list for at least 3 years or living in severely inadequate housing, these 3 projects aim to alleviate their pressing needs for housing and improve their living environment and quality as they are waiting for the allocation of PRH units. The Ground-breaking Ceremonies of the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Lok Wo Sha, Ma On Shan and the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Muk On Street, Kai Tak were held on 22 November 2022 and 2 February 2023 respectively, with the Hon. Winnie HO, JP, Secretary for Housing, officiating at the Ceremonies. 房屋局局长何永贤太平绅士( 右六) 及马清扬主席( 右五) 为 东华三院马鞍山落禾沙过渡性房屋主持动土仪式。 The Hon. Winnie HO, JP (right 6), Secretary for Housing, and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 5), the Chairman, officiated at the Ground-breaking Ceremony for TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Lok Wo Sha, Ma On Shan. 房屋局局长何永贤太平绅士( 前排左六)、副局长戴尚诚太平 绅士( 前排左五)、马清扬主席( 前排右六) 为东华三院启德沐 安街过渡性房屋主持动土仪式。 The Hon. Winnie HO, JP (front row, left 6), Secretary for Housing, TAI Sheung Shing, Victor, JP (front row, left 5), Under Secretary for Housing and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (front row, right 6), the Chairman, officiated at the Ground-breaking Ceremony for TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Muk On Street, Kai Tak. 另外,东华三院马鞍山落禾沙过渡性房屋和 东华三院启德沐安街过渡性房屋的总承办合约 均已于2022 年内批出,地盘工程正在进行。 至于东华三院流浮山深湾路过渡性房屋,现正 进行详细设计,并将于2023 年第二季招标。 In addition, the main contracts of the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Lok Wo Sha, Ma On Shan and the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Muk On Street, Kai Tak were awarded in 2022 and site works are in progress. As for the TWGHs Transitional Housing Project in Deep Bay Road, Lau Fau Shan, detailed design is in progress and will be tendered in the 2nd quarter of 2023.