2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

资讯科技INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 资讯科技 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 179 创新科技及工业局局长 孙东教授太平绅士( 左 五) 跟大家分享是次参 观的感受。 Prof. the Hon. SUN Dong, JP (left 5), Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, shared his valuable opinion on the visit with us. 为支持政府智能型城市及配合其空间数据共享 平台的发展计划,本院于2021年4月获发展局 委任成为设立全港首间地理空间实验室的营运 机构。地理空间实验室于2022年7月举办「2022 地理信息系统应用公开赛」。参赛者根据指定主 题,利用地理讯息系统,创作展示香港事件或 现象的网络地图。于2022年8月24日,教育局 局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士与教育界人士一同参 观地理空间实验室,同场更有「2022地理信息 系统应用公开赛」小学及中学组得奖者演示各得 奖作品。此外,创新科技及工业局局长孙东教 授太平绅士于2022年9月14日参观地理空间实 验室及公开赛中学组得奖作品,孙局长亦与众 位嘉宾分享是次参观感受。发展局局长甯汉豪 太平绅士亦于2022年9月20日参观地理空间实 验室,了解地理空间实验室正在发展中的地理 信息系统应用程序概况。 Visits to the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) by Government Officials 发展局局长甯汉豪太平 绅士( 右二) 参观地理 空间实验室。 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士( 右三) 在发展局空 间数据办事处总监陈宇俊先生( 右一) 及本院行政总 监暨地理空间实验室项目总监苏祐安先生( 左三) 陪 同下,了解实验室的营运情况。 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (right 3), Secretary for Education, accompanied by Mr. CHAN Yue Chun (right 1), Head of Spatial Data Office, Development Bureau and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (left 3), TWGHs Chief Executive and Project Director of GeoLab, gained a better understanding of the operation of the GeoLab. To support the Government’s Common Spatial Data Infrastructure initiative and its smart city concept, TWGHs was commissioned by the Development Bureau to set up and operate the first territorywide GeoLab in April 2021. The GeoLab held the first “2022 Open GIS Competition” in July 2022. The participants developed a web map showing events or phenomena in Hong Kong based on a designated theme. Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, visited the GeoLab on 24 August 2022 along with local educational professionals. Awardees from the primary and secondary categories of the Competition presented their works on site. On a separate occasion, Prof. the Hon. SUN Dong, JP, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, visited the GeoLab on 14 September 2022 and appreciated the winning entry of secondary student category of the Competition while he shared his viewpoints during his visit. The Hon. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP, Secretary for Development, also visited the GeoLab on 20 September 2022 to learn more about GIS applications of the GeoLab. 政府官员到访地理空间 实验室 The Hon. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP (right 2), Secretary for Development, paid a visit to GeoLab.