2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

资讯科技 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 181 The Division proactively conducted a comprehensive redevelopment and enhancement of the Financial Account System. The redevelopment composed of three phases, namely the replacement of obsolete technology, the restructure of core design, and the provision of new functional modules. All user interfaces were enhanced to ensure compatibility with the latest Internet browsers in the first phase of technology replacement. In addition, the Payment Module has been redeveloped and launched to use. Many new functionalities were added, such as adding creditor data to facilitate direct payment through FPS and will reduce the use of inefficient cheque payment. Other modules such as Credit Card Module, General Ledger Module, HQ Petty Cash Module, and Capital Project Module, would be developed successively. 该科积极重新开发及改良财务会计系统,系统的 重新开发可分为三个阶段,包括更换过时的技 术、重组核心设计、新增功能模块。所有用户介 面在第一阶段的技术更替中已经完成修改,以兼 容最新的网络浏览器。此外,支付模块已利用新 技术重新开发和推出使用。当中加入多种新功 能,例如加入债权人资料以方便使用「转数快」 直接支付,减少使用低效的支票付款。其它如信 用卡模块、总账模块、总部零用现金模块、资本 项目等模块也将陆续开发。 重新开发财务会计系统 Redevelopment of Financial Accounting System Based on researching relevant feedback and the findings from users, the redevelopment of the human resources systems was scheduled to be carried out in two phases by the Division. The first phase involved the replacement of obsolete technologies adopted by Human Resources Information System, Staff Leave Information System, e-Leave System, Training and Development Management Integrated System, e-Appraisal System, and more. All these systems would be integrated into a talent management oriented Human Resources Integrated System in the second phase. In view of the imminent impact on a large group of users, all user interfaces were enhanced in June 2022 to ensure compatibility with the latest Internet browsers. Replacement of obsolete technologies used in Human Resources Information System and e-Appraisal System is in progress. 通过收集用户意见及进行后续研究后,该科计划 分两个阶段进行人力资源系统重新开发的工作。 第一阶段为更换过时技术的人力资源等相关系 统,其中包括人力资源资讯系统、员工休假系统、 网上假期系统、培训及发展管理系统、电子考绩 报告系统等。这些系统会于第二阶段合并成一个 以人才管理为本的人力资源综合系统。考虑到对 大量用户的实时影响,该科已于2022 年6 月完 成修改所有用户接口,以适用于最新的网络浏览 器。该科现正着手更换人力资源系统和电子考绩 报告系统的过时技术。 重新开发人力资源综合系统 Redevelopment of Human Resources Integrated Systems 为支持加强员工沟通,资讯科技科为员工训练及 福利部开发一个员工福利流动应用程式。流动应 用程式可让员工随时以手机接收员工福利及福利 活动的资讯。流动应用程序的第一版本将于2023 年初于Apple App Store 和 Google Play Store推出。 而第二版可望推出更多功能。 开发员工福利流动应用程式 为方便同事使用手提电话申请及审批休假,「网 上假期系统流动应用程式」第一版的流动应用程 式于2015 年推出后持续更新,以能与最新的iOS 及Android OS版本兼容应用。由于流动应用程式 的核心技术已渐过时及难于维修保养,资讯科技 科使用两个平台的专用开发工具重新编写流动应 用程序,并计划于2023 年第二季推出。 重新开发「网上假期系统流动应用程式」 加强内部行政系统 因应瞬息万变的营商环境,资讯科技科一直致力 优化内部系统,以支援本院的管理工作。该科已 于2022 年初完成优化人力资源系统的发放薪金 功能和财务会计系统的收款机制,以应对银行更 新自动转账系统。鉴于税务局将于2023 年4 月1 Following the successful launch of e-Form for the application of No Pay Leave on the Administrative Workflow Automation Platform (AWAP), the development of other e-Forms on the AWAP was also well underway. They include the application of emergency charitable funds, funding for capital projects, staff training subsidy, extension of staff services, maternity leave, paternity leave, and IT services. With easy information retrieval at the central repository, the digitalisation of administration processes has enhanced collaboration, increased efficiency and reduced the use of papers. Development of more e-Forms on processes in human resources administration and support for community services are being planned. 继行政流程自动化平台成功推出申请无薪休假的 电子表格后,其它各种行政流程的电子表格亦正 陆续开发中。这些流程包括申请紧急援助基金、 资本开支的资金、员工训练资助、延长员工服 务、产假、侍产假及资讯科技服务等。行政流程 数码化令资讯更为集中,方便检阅,增进相互协 作之余,还可提升效率,减少耗用纸张。现正计 划开发更多与人事管理及支援社会服务流程有关 的电子表格。 发展行政流程自动化平台 Development of Administrative Workflow Automation Platform In order to enhance staff communication, a mobile app was being developed for the STWS. The mobile app would enable staff members to receive updates on staff benefits and welfare activities on their mobile phones. While the first version of the mobile app is set to be launched at Apple App Store and Google Play Store in early 2023, more functions will be available in the second version. Development of Staff Training and Welfare Section (STWS) Mobile App The "e-Leave System Mobile App" makes it an easy task to apply for and approve staff leave on mobile phones. With its first version launched in 2015, the mobile app has been under ongoing enhancements to be compatible with the latest versions of iOS and Android OS. Given that the core technologies used in the development of mobile app were outdated, making the mobile app difficult to maintain, the Division is revamping the mobile app with native development tools on the two platforms. The newly revamped app will be scheduled to be released in the second quarter of 2023. Redevelopment of "e-Leave System Mobile App" The Division has been striving to enhance the internal systems to support the Group’s management in the ever-changing business environment. In response to the upgrade of the autopay mechanism of banks, the salary payment function in the Human Resources Information System and income collection mechanism in the Financial Accounting System were enhanced in early 2022. Given the cessation of accepting current text format data file by the Inland Revenue Department from 1 April 2023 onwards, the taxation reporting functions had been enhanced to support Enhancement of Internal Administration Systems