2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

资讯科技 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 182 To support the green and paperless initiatives and enhance work efficiency in the provision of internal helpdesk support of information technology services, the Division developed the TWGHs eService Portal, which was launched for use of TWGHs staff members in October 2022. Applications for the Division’s IT support requests could be submitted via this online portal instead of on paper. Apart from allowing requesters to track their submissions progress, the Portal also enables the Division to monitor its efficiency for further enhancement. It would be evolving with required functions based on the result of regular reviews. 为支持环保及无纸化的倡议,并且提升内部资讯 科技支援服务的效率,该科开发了东华三院电子 服务网上平台,并于 2022 年 10 月推出予本院员 工使用。员工透过在线平台提交其资讯科技支援 服务申请,取代纸本提交。该平台不但让申请者 得以追踪已提交的申请,更有助该科妥善监察整 体资讯科技支援服务的效率,适时审视以便持续 改良。通过定期审视,该平台亦会因应使用者所 需功能而持续更新。 为资讯科技支援服务开发东华三院电子 服务网上平台 Development of TWGHs eService Portal for Helpdesk Support of Information Technology Services In line with the hospital’s project plans and progress in relevant redevelopment works, in the first and second quarter of 2023, the Division planned and established required IT infrastructure for the injection of TWGHs medical services into Kwong Wah Hospital redevelopment project Phase 1. The Infrastructure provided necessary hardware and network facilities to support the TWGHs medical service centres (including the Kwong Wah Hospital Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinic, TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment Centre, TWGHs Rehabilitation Centre and TWGHs Haemodialysis Centre, TWGHs Computed Tomography Imaging Centre, TWGHs Dental Clinics) in IT operation and resilient network connections to the Group’s central the TWGHs IT server platforms for secure and robust centres’ access to their required clinical application systems. 为配合医院项目计划及相关重建工程的发展,该 科于2023 年第一及第二季度,就广华医院重建 计划第一期工程对东华三院医疗服务所需的资讯 科技基础建设,作出规划及建立。该基础建设为 东华三院属下医疗服务中心,包括广华医院中医 普通科门诊部、东华三院王泽森中西医药治疗中 心、东华三院复康中心、东华三院血液透析中 心、东华三院计算机扫描中心及东华三院牙科诊所 等提供所需的硬件和网络设施,为有关医疗中心 在资讯科技营运上与本院中央资讯科技服务器平 台提供弹性网络连接,务求让他们能安全可靠地 存取所需的临床应用系统。 为广华医院重建计划第一期工程建立 东华三院医疗服务资讯科技基础设施 改良资讯科技系统和基础 建设架构 Establishment of IT Infrastructure for the Decanting of TWGHs Medical Services for Kwong Wah Hospital Redevelopment Project Phase 1 Enhancement of Information Technology Systems and Infrastructure Facilities To support the operation of TWGHs Siu Lam OLIVE-Courtyard at Siu Lam Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex, which was scheduled to be commissioned in 2023, the Division enhanced the functionality of the existing eHOMES for rehabilitation services and SmartCare mobile app. Apart from supporting the Group’s residential care homes for the elderly, the enhanced system also supports the operational needs of residential hostel for the care and attention home for the disabled. Since the eHOMES and SmartCare are highly integrated with each other in system operation, vital sign records of the disabled could be collected easily through SmartCare and transferred to the eHOMES seamlessly for monitoring their healthcare status. In alignment with the opening schedule of the new centre, relevant system enhancement was completed in the first quarter of 2023. 为支援本院小榄综合康复中心辖下的东华三院 小榄峻庭可于2023 年开展服务,该科对现有的 安老院舍管理系统及智护理流动应用程序进行了 功能提升。该系统除支援本院安老院舍外,亦支 援残疾人士护理宿舍的营运需要。由于安老院舍 管理系统与智护理流动应用程式在系统运行上已 高度集成,中心职员可透过智护理流动应用程式 简单地 集残疾院友的生命表征记录,并无缝地 传输至院舍管理系统以便观察他们的健康状况。 为配合新康复中心启用的时间表,有关系统优化 工作已于 2023 年第一季完成。 为小榄综合康复服务中心优化东华三院 安老院舍管理系统及智护理流动 应用程式 Enhancement of the TWGHs Elderly Home One-stop Management Electronic System (eHOMES) and SmartCare Mobile Application for Siu Lam Integrated Rehabilitation Services Complex 日起停止接受现行的文字格式资料档,系统报税 功能现已提升,以配合税务局的雇主电子报税平 台。更新后的系统已于 2022 年10 月通过税务局 的测试和批核,将于 2023 年投入使用。由于积 金易平台即将推出,该科已向积金易索取新平台 相关资料,为优化人力资源系统进行可行性研究 和准备。 the Employer’s Return e-Filing Services platform. The updated system was tested and accepted by the Inland Revenue Department in October 2022 and is scheduled to be in operation in 2023. In light of the upcoming launch of eMPF platform, the Division had collected related information of new platform from the eMPF for feasibility study and preparation of the enhancement of the Human Resources Information System. In support of the establishment and renovation works of TWGHs medical and healthcare, education and community services units, the 为支援本院属下医疗衞生服务、教育及社会服务 单位的兴建及翻新工程,该科协助本院医务科、 为医疗衞生、教育及社会服务单位提供 资讯科技网络基础建设支援服务 Provision of IT Network Infrastructure Support Services for Medical and Health, Education and Community Services Units