2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

资讯科技 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 185 应用系统及互联网 Application Systems and Internet Websites 全年资讯科技热线及电邮支援求助服务数目 Number of cases in IT hotline and email support service per annum 平均每日经资讯科技科处理的电邮数目 Average number of emails daily processed through the Information Technology Division 全年资讯科技实地支援求助服务数目 Number of cases in IT onsite support service per annum 平均每日经资讯科技科过滤的垃圾邮件及计算机病毒数目 Average number of spam mails and viruses daily filtered through the Information Technology Division 全年平均系统可用性百分比 Average percentage in system availability per annum 2,300 92,666 90 7,503 99.99% 宗数Number of Cases 项目Item 资讯科技科的运行统计资料 Operation Statistics of the Information Technology Division 合计 Total 8,740 100.00% ૡ碻 ૡ碻穉ֺ 资讯科技支援服务 IT Support Services 3,255 37.24% 系统操作服务 System Operation Services 504 5.77% 系统技术监控及 协调服务 System Administration and Control Services 1,543 17.65% 系统管理服务 System Management Services 922 10.55% 计算机网络支援服务 Network Support Services 2, 436 27.87% 资讯科技产品估价及 研究服务 IT Evaluation and Research Services 74 0.85% 资讯产品采购支援服务 IT Procurement Support Services 6 0.07% Man-hours Spent Proportion in Percentage 2022/2023 年度资讯科技服务及系统支援使用工时 Manpower Spent for IT Services and System Support in the Year of 2022/2023 东华三院中医医疗资讯系统 TWGHs Chinese Medicine Clinical Information System 东华三院中医轮候管理显示系统 TWGHs Smart Queuing and Display System for Chinese Medicine 东华三院复康中心资讯系统 TWGHs Rehabilitation Centre Information System 东华三院血液透析中心管理系统 TWGHs Haemodialysis Centre Information System 东华三院中医流动车门诊服务系统 TWGHs Chinese Medicine Mobile Clinics Information System 东华三院牙齿保健资讯系统 TWGHs Dental Clinic Information System Usage of Application Systems and Internet Websites in the Year 2022/2023 社会服务科及 相关服务单位 Community Services Division and Related Service Units 教育科及 相关服务单位 Education Division and Related Service Units 医务科及 相关服务单位 Medical Division and Related Service Units 其它科/ 办公室/部 Other Divisions/ Office/Section 公众服务 Services for the Public 中医专科门诊自助登记及八达通收费系统 Self-service Attendance Registration with Octopus Payment System for Chinese Medicine Specialist Outpatient Clinics 东华三院中医普通科门诊自助登记系统 TWGHs Smart Queuing System for Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinics 东华三院中医普通科门诊部互动语音预约系统 TWGHs Interactive Voice Response Booking System for Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinics 东华三院医疗保健资讯系统( 综合诊断及医疗中心) TWGHs Healthcare Information System (Integrated Diagnostic and Medical Centre) 东华三院医疗保健资讯系统( 妇女健康普查部) TWGHs Healthcare Information System (Well-women Clinics) 东华三院医疗保健资讯系统( 计算机扫描中心) TWGHs Healthcare Information System (Computed Tomography Imaging Centre) 东华三院医疗保健资讯系统( 医疗中心) TWGHs Healthcare Information System (Medical Service Centre) 东华三院放射资讯系统/ 图片存档和通讯系统 TWGHs Radiology Information System/Picture Archiving and Communication System 东华三院医疗保健资讯系统( 内视镜中心) TWGHs Healthcare Information System (Endoscopy Centre) 2022/2023年度应用系统及互联网使用 37.24% 17.65% 10.55% 27.87% 0.85% 0.07% 5.77%