2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 202 学校 Schools 拨款额 Fund (HK$) 计划名称 Project Names 幼稚园 Kindergartens 318,300 喜「阅」校园 Reading Campus 特殊学校 Special Schools 299,600 246,100 297,000 「我的行动承诺」加强版 Enhanced "My Pledge to Act" 东华三院徐展堂学校 TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School 东华三院群芳启智学校 TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School 东华三院包玉星学校 TWGHs Chi-Li Pao School 东华三院黄朱惠芬幼稚园 TWGHs Wong Chu Wai Fun Kindergarten 49,300 「我的行动承诺—感恩珍惜 · 积极乐观」(2021) My Pledge to Act (2021) 东华三院香港华都狮子会幼稚园 TWGHs Lions Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong Kindergarten 获资助学校 Subsidised Schools 学校 School 拨款额 Fund (HK$) 计划名称 Project Name 特殊学校 Special Schools 44,000 18,500 「探索、突破、成长」教育营 "Exploration, Breakthrough, Growth" Education Camp 展能领袖训练营 Outdoor Adventure Training Activity 东华三院徐展堂学校 TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School 东华三院群芳启智学校 TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School 获资助学校 Subsidised School Project Subsidised by The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund in 2022/2023 2022/2023年度获何东爵士慈善基金资助的计划 学校 Schools 日期 Dates 活动/ 典礼 Events/Ceremonies 专上教育 Tertiary Education 中学 Secondary Schools 联校 Joint Schools 12/7/2022 26/10/2022 6-10/12/2022 11/1/2023 17/9/2022 6/10/2022 东华学院物理治疗课程专业认证 祝捷会 Celebration Reception on Professional Accreditation of Physiotherapy Programme of Tung Wah College 东华三院中学联校运动会 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Athletic Meet 东华三院学生大使新加坡参访团2022 TWGHs Student Ambassadors Singapore Tour 2022 东华三院中学联校毕业典礼 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Speech Day 东华三院「好人好事:英文写作 比赛2021-2022」颁奖典礼 Award Presentation Ceremony of TWGHs "Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2021-2022" 东华学院第一届荣誉院士颁授典礼 The 1st Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony of Tung Wah College 典礼邀得辅助医疗业管理局主席蔡永忠BBS太平绅士担任其中一位主礼 嘉宾,亦得到医务衞生局局长卢宠茂教授 BBS太平绅士送上短片祝贺。 Mr. TSAI Wing Chung, Philip, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council, was invited to be one of the officiating guests of the Ceremony. Prof. the Hon. LO Chung Mau, BBS, JP, Secretary for Health, also gave a congratulatory video message to Tung Wah College. 运动会假小西湾运动场举行,邀得香港中文大学医学院矫形外科及创伤 学系教授兼学系主任容树恒教授 MH太平绅士主礼。 The Event was held at the Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground, with Prof. YUNG Shu Hang, Patrick, MH, JP, Professor and Chairman, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, officiating. 28 名中学生在主席兼名誉校监马清扬先生、董事局成员、行政总监、 教育科主管、董事局及机构行政科主管、教育顾问及老师带领下, 前往新加坡进行交流。 28 student ambassadors led by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, Board Members, Chief Executive, Head of Education Division, Head of Board and Corporate Administration Division, education consultant and teachers visited Singapore for exchange. 毕业典礼假伊利沙伯体育馆举行,邀得教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士主礼。 The Speech Day was held at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, with Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, officiating. 颁奖典礼在东华医院礼堂举行,邀得香港大学教育学院副院长卢婉怡 博士主礼。约有120 名嘉宾及得奖者出席。 The Ceremony was held at the Assembly Hall of Tung Wah Hospital, with Dr. LO Yuen Yi, Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, officiating. Around 120 guests and awardees attented. 典礼假九龙香格里拉举行,颁授荣誉院士衔予4 位杰出人士。 The Ceremony was held at Kowloon Shangri-La, where 4 distinguished individuals were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow. 详情 Details Highlights of the Year 2022/2023 2022/2023年度活动概要 附录E8 / Appendix E8 18–24/1/2023 东华三院学生大使伦敦参访团2023 TWGHs Student Ambassadors London Tour 2023 23 名中学生在主席兼名誉校监马清扬先生、董事局成员、行政总监、 教育科主管、董事局及机构行政科主管、教育顾问及老师带领下, 前往伦敦进行交流。 23 student ambassadors led by Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, Board Members, Chief Executive, Head of Education Division, Head of Board and Corporate Administration Division, education consultant and teachers visited London for exchange. 4/3/2023 东华三院中学联校FPV无人机 竞速大赛2023 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools FPV Drone Racing Competition 2023 比赛在东华三院黄凤翎中学举行。 The Competition was held at TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College.