2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 203 学校 Schools 日期 Dates 活动/ 典礼 Events/Ceremonies 中学 Secondary Schools 小学 Primary Schools 幼稚园 Kindergartens 特殊学校 Special Schools 22/7/2022 6-8/7/2022 16/2/2023 22/3/2023 30/6/2022 6/8/2022 28/8/2022 2/3/2023 23/3/2023 24/3/2023 13/3/2023 东华三院幼稚园联校毕业典礼 Joint Kindergartens Graduation Ceremony 东华三院特殊学校香港艺术考察团 Joint Special Schools Art Study Tour in Hong Kong 东华三院特殊学校联校运动会开展礼 Kick-off Ceremony of Joint Special Schools Sports Day 东华三院幼稚园「童」是艺术家2023 —「大自然的动感建筑家」儿童艺术 作品展开展礼 Kick-off Ceremony of TWGHs Kindergartens "Every Child is an Artist" 2023 - "Nature-Inspired Architects" Art Exhibition 东华三院小学联校毕业典礼 TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Graduation Ceremony 东华三院小学联校足球竞技比赛暨 联校武术比赛颁奖典礼 TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Soccer Skills Competition and Wu-shu Competition cum Award Ceremony 东华三院少年无人机竞速比赛暨颁奖 典礼 TWGHs Junior Racer Championships cum Award Ceremony 东华三院小学联校运动会 TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Athletic Meet 东华三院曾宪备小学校舍及设施 命名礼 Naming Donation Ceremony of TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School 东华三院蔡荣星小学开幕典礼 Grand Opening of TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School 东华三院吕润财纪念中学科创空间暨 美术室优化工程启动礼 Launching Ceremony of TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College Innovative Space cum Arts Room Enhancement Works 典礼在东华三院包玉星学校举行,邀得香港教育大学校长及公共政策 讲座教授张仁良教授SBS太平绅士主礼。 The Ceremony was held at TWGHs Chi-Li Pao School, with Prof. CHEUNG Yan Leung, Stephen, SBS, JP, President and Chair Professor of Public Policy of The Education University of Hong Kong, officiating. 东华三院特殊学校共56位师生及家长在本港进行3天的亲子艺术考察活动。 A 3-day parent-child art study tour conducted in Hong Kong was attended by a total of 56 teachers, students and parents from TWGHs special schools. 运动会假九龙湾运动场举行,邀得香港体育学院滑浪风帆总教练陈敬然 先生MH主礼。 The Sports Day was held at Kowloon Bay Sports Ground, with Mr. CHAN King Yin, MH, Head Windsurfing Coach of Hong Kong Sports Institute, officiating. 开展礼假荃湾愉景新城举行,邀得教育局总课程发展主任( 艺术教育) 陈家曦博士主礼。 The Exhibition was held at D · PARK at Tsuen Wan, with Dr. CHAN Ka Hei, Lesley, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Arts Education), Education Bureau, officiating. 毕业典礼假香港伊利沙伯体育馆举行,邀得教育局常任秘书长李美嫦 太平绅士主礼。 The Ceremony was held at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, with Ms. LI Mei Sheung, Michelle, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, officiating. 典礼在东华三院马锦灿纪念小学举行。 The Ceremony was held at TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School. 比赛及典礼在数码港商场举行,本院属下15 间小学,共60 名学生参与 其中。 The Competition and Ceremony was held at the Cyberport. 60 students from 15 TWGHs primary schools participated in the Competition. 运动会假荃湾城门谷运动场举行,邀得教育局总课程发展主任( 体育) 王庆宜女士主礼。 The Athletic Meet was held at the Shing Mun Valley Sports Ground, with Ms. WONG Hing Yee, Annie, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Physical Education), officiating. 典礼在校内举行,邀得廉政专员胡英明先生SBS, CSDSM主礼。 The Ceremony was held at the school premises, with Mr. WOO Ying Ming, Danny, SBS, CSDSM, Commissioner of Independent Commission Against Corruption, officiating. 典礼在校内举行,邀得教育局局长蔡若莲太平绅士主礼。 The Ceremony was held at school premises, with Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, officiating 典礼在校内举行,邀得主席兼名誉校监马清扬先生主礼。 The Ceremony was held at school premises, with Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman cum Honorary Supervisor, officiating. 详情 Details 学校 Schools 奖项 Awards 比赛 Competitions 中学 Secondary Schools 广东话组杰出合作奖、杰出影音效果奖及 杰出演员奖 Awards for Outstanding Cooperation, Outstanding Audio-visual Effects and Outstanding Performer in Cantonese Category 广东话组杰出整体演出奖、杰出合作奖、 杰出影音效果奖及杰出演员奖 Awards for Commendable Overall Performance, Outstanding Cooperation, Outstanding Audio-visual Effects and Outstanding Performer in Cantonese Category 2021/2022 香港学校 戏剧节 Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021/2022 东华三院李润田纪念中学 TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College 东华三院张明添中学 TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College 获奖学校 Awarded Schools Achievements in Extra-Curricular Activities 课外活动成绩 附录E9 / Appendix E9