2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 206 服务单位 提供持续照顾的护理安老院 护养安老院 转型为提供持续照顾的安老院 长者日间护理中心 长者地区中心及长者邻舍中心 东华三院包兆龙护理安老院 东华三院香港西区妇女福利会护养安老院 东华三院赛马会朗逸居 东华三院戴东培长者日间护理中心 东华三院王泽森长者地区中心 东华三院许莫德瑜护理安老院 东华三院罗文埙安老院 东华三院邹莲女士长者日间护理中心 东华三院方肇彝长者邻舍中心 东华三院伍若瑜护理安老院 东华三院罗王玉文护养院 东华三院马李示聘安老院 东华三院方树泉长者日间护理中心 东华三院黄祖棠长者地区中心 东华三院黄祖棠护理安老院 东华三院宝锺全英安老院 东华三院罗王玉文日间中心 东华三院方王换娣安老院 东华三院陈冯曼玲长者日间护理中心 东华三院王李名珍荃湾长者邻舍中心 东华三院邱木城长者邻舍中心 东华三院赛马会朗愉居 东华三院梁昌纪念安老院 东华三院陈嫺安老院 东华三院区伟林伉俪纪念长者日间护理中心 191 132 167 *67 *1,887 153 60 *92 *1,212 255 100 55 *53 *1,166 278 *90 *75 *4 *1,279 *1,268 243 *88 *90 *50 1,901 482 *986 *12,084 东华三院戴东培护理安老院 东华三院翠柳颐庭 东华三院马兴秋安老院 东华三院梅艳芳长者日间护理中心 东华三院方树泉长者地区中心 东华三院方树泉护理安老院 东华三院许丽娟安老院 东华三院邹莲女士荟萃长者日间护理中心 东华三院方润华长者邻舍中心 东华三院胡其廉长者邻舍中心 东华三院余振强纪念护理安老院 东华三院朱寿祥护养院 东华三院何东安老院 东华三院黄祖棠长者日间护理中心 东华三院庞永绍长者邻舍中心 东华三院伍蒋惠芳护理安老院 东华三院马郑淑英安老院 东华三院莫黄凤仪安老院 东华三院华芬长者日间护理中心 东华三院王少清长者中心 204 100 *76 *55 *1,493 174 75 *104 *1,165 *1,138 1. 3. 2. 4. 200 150 60 *69 *833 1. 5. 3. 7. 9. 2. 6. 4. 8. 1. 5. 3. 10. 7. 12. 9. 2. 6. 4. 11. 8. 1. 5. 3. 10. 7. 9. 2. 6. 4. 8. 1. 5. 3. 9. 6. 8. 2. 4. 7. 203 *75 *75 *70 *643 Care and Attention Homes Providing Continuum of Care Residential Care Home for the Elderly Conversion Homes Providing Continuum of Care Day Care Centres for the Elderly District Elderly Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres TWGHs Pao Siu Loong Care and Attention Home TWGHs Women's Welfare Club Western District, Hong Kong Residential Care Home for the Elderly TWGHs Jockey Club Harmony Villa TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Wilson T.S. Wang District Elderly Community Centre TWGHs Hui Mok Tak Yu Care and Attention Home TWGHs Lo Man Huen Home for the Elderly TWGHs Chau Lin Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Fong Shiu Yee Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Wu York Yu Care and Attention Home TWGHs Lo Wong Yuk Man Nursing Home TWGHs Lee See Ping Home for the Elderly TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Wong Cho Tong District Elderly Community Centre TWGHs Wong Cho Tong Care and Attention Home TWGHs Po Chung Chuen Ying Home for the Elderly TWGHs Lo Wong Yuk Man Day Care Centre TWGHs Fong Wong Woon Tei Home for the Elderly TWGHs Chan Feng Men Ling Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Mrs Wang Li Ming Tzun Tsuen Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Stephen Yow Mok Shing Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Jockey Club Blissful Villa TWGHs Y.C. Liang Memorial Home for the Elderly TWGHs Chan Han Home for the Elderly TWGHs Mr and Mrs Au Wai Lam Memorial Day Care Centre for the Elderly 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Care and Attention Home TWGHs Willow Lodge TWGHs Ma Hing Chou Home for the Elderly TWGHs Anita Mui Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly Community Centre TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Care and Attention Home TWGHs Hui Lai Kuen Home for the Elderly TWGHs Chau Lin Graceful Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Fong Yun Wah Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Wu Ki Lim Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Yu Chun Keung Memorial Care and Attention Home TWGHs Chu Sau Cheung Nursing Home TWGHs Ho Tung Home for the Elderly TWGHs Wong Cho Tong Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Pong Wing Shiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre TWGHs Wu Chiang Wai Fong Care and Attention Home TWGHs Ma Cheng Shuk Ying Home for the Elderly TWGHs Mok Wong Fung Yee Home for the Elderly TWGHs Hua Fen Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Wong Shiu Ching Centre for the Elderly Service Units 名额/ 会员/ 个案宗数 Capacities/Memberships/Number of Cases Elderly Services 安老服务 附录C1 / Appendix C1 *20 *584 东华三院赛马会朗愉日间中心 10. 小计 Subtotal TWGHs Jockey Club Blissful Day Care Centre