2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 207 服务单位 Service Units 名额/ 会员/ 个案宗数 Capacities/Memberships/Number of Cases 综合家居照顾服务中心 改善家居及社区照顾服务 专门服务 长者社区照顾服务券试验计划 第三期延展计划(2020 年10 月至2023 年9 月) 东华三院林百欣综合家居照顾服务中心 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务 ( 东区) 东华三院离院长者综合支援计划 ( 大埔) 东华三院华芬长者日间护理中心 东华三院黄祖棠综合家居照顾服务中心 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务 ( 深水埗) 东华三院智圆全长者服务计划 东华三院戴东培护理安老院– 耆趣天地 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务 ( 沙田) 东华三院生命部落 东华三院陈达墀荟智长者社区支援服务中心 东华三院梁显利长者日间服务中心 东华三院马郑淑英安老院– 家在社区支援 服务天地 *519 *246 *60 51 *166 *131 *49 12 *271 □8,871 23 *145 15 *1,124 *1,318 *102,190 335 *121,004 东华三院方树泉综合家居照顾服务中心 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务 ( 九龙城) 东华三院西巿鲜鱼行商会智晴坊 东华三院何东安老院– 社区长者天地 东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务 ( 油尖旺) 东华三院准提阁佛学会生命同行坊 东华三院智趣轩长者社区支援服务中心 东华三院陈达墀荟智长者社区支援服务中心 赛马会安宁颂 -「安宁在院舍」计划( 新界东) 东华三院梁显利长者日间服务中心 1. 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 3. 3. 3. 5. 5. 5. 8. 7. 2. 2. 2. 4. 4. 4. 7. 6. 6. *439 *544 □2,542 19 *126 *372 8 □4,238 *61 129 Integrated Home Care Services Centres Enhanced Home and Community Care Services Specialized Services Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly Phase 3 Extension (October 2020 to September 2023) TWGHs Lim Por Yen Integrated Home Care Services Centre TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Eastern District) TWGHs Integrated Discharge Support Programme for Elderly Patients (Tai Po) TWGHs Hua Fen Day Care Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Wong Cho Tong Integrated Home Care Services Centre TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Sham Shui Po) TWGHs Circle of Care Community Support Programme for the Elderly TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Care and Attention Home - Amazing Mind Day Care Unit TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Sha Tin) TWGHs Life X TWGHs Chan Tat Chee Connect Community Support Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Henry G.Leong Community Support Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Ma Cheng Shuk Ying Home for the Elderly - Home@Community Support Unit 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal 小计 Subtotal 合计 Total TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen Integrated Home Care Services Centre TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Kowloon City) TWGHs Sai Ying Pun Market Fresh Fish Merchants' Association Alzheimer's Community Support Centre TWGHs Ho Tung Home for the Elderly - New Horizons Day Care Unit TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (Yau Tsim Mong) TWGHs Chun Tei Kok Buddhist Association Limited Centre of Life Enlightening TWGHs Happy Mind Community Support Centre for the Elderly TWGHs Chan Tat Chee Connect Community Support Centre for the Elderly JCECC: End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Home for the Elderly Project (New Territories East) TWGHs Henry G.Leong Community Support Centre for the Elderly 东华三院金龄中心 东华三院余振强纪念护理安老院 东华三院智德家居照顾服务 *352 20 25 东华三院赛马会耆青艺坊■ 东华三院伍若瑜护理安老院– 智睿社区支援 服务天地 东华三院柏悦长者优质照顾服务站 东华三院荟龄AI 生活馆 东华三院越龄 东华三院泉晴长者社区支援服务天地 *49,374 18 □35,168 587 *371 15 10. 10. 9. 9. 8. 12. 13. 11. 11. TWGHs YO Centre TWGHs Yu Chun Keung Memorial Care and Attention Home TWGHs Top-tact Home Care Services TWGHs Jockey Club Intergenerational Art Centre ■ TWGHs Wu York Yu Care and Attention Home - Top-Pro Community Support Unit TWGHs Prestige Care Services for the Elderly TWGHs Infinity TWGHs Engage TWGHs Spring of Life Community Support Unit for the Elderly 截至2023 年3 月31 日 As at 31/3/2023 * 截至2022 年12 月31 日的名额/ 会员/ 个案数字 Number of capacities/memberships/cases as at 31 December 2022 □ 2022 年4 月1 日至12 月31 日曾接受中心服务的人次 Number of service users at the Centre from 1 April to 31 December 2022 ■ 由2023 年4 月1 日起,该服务单位易名为「东华三院耆青艺坊」 Effective from 1 April 2023, the unit will be renamed as "TWGHs Intergenerational Art Centre"