2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 214 服务/区域 Services/Districts 活动计划 Projects 日期 Dates 详情 Details 设立感觉统合室 Setting up of a Sensory Integration Room 青年护理服务启航计划 (2020-2025) Navigation Scheme for Young Persons in Care Services (2020-2025) 「咖啡 · 走动」计划 Coffee Express 「艺术爱漫游─焕然筑动」服务 计划 "ARTour – Construction - Transformation" Service Project 「共庆回归显关怀」东区家访活动 Home Visits under the "Celebration for All" Project in Eastern District 「护」老「童」心 · 互连网 ─「志」 在有您「靓汤」迎中秋 "Carers" x "Children" Caring Community Network—Especially for You and Mid-Autumn Festival Greetings from "Souper" 「软在心 · 暖在心」冬至软餐晚宴 "Warm Heart" Soft Meals for Winter Solstice Dinner 东华三院爱不同艺术画作在高盛 内部拍卖 TWGHs i-dArt Artworks for Goldman Sachs Auction 深水埗南昌街组合社会房屋 Shamshuipo Nam Cheong Street Modular Social Housing 「照顾者社交媒体及网上健康资讯 平台应用研究」调查 Research on the "Application of Social Media and Online Health Information Platform of Carers" 6/2021 - 12/2022 1/4/2020 - 31/3/2025 7/2019 - 6/2024 4/2022 - 3/2023 14/6/2022 6/9/2022 2/12/2022 28/10/2022 8/2020 – 10/2022 5/2022 - 3/2023 对象:智障及严重残疾人士 Target: People with intellectual disabilities and severe disabilities 内容:职业治疗师设计并运用感觉统合设备,以助提升认知功能及 稳定情绪。 Content: Sensory integration equipment were designed and adopted by occupational therapists to improve cognitive function and stabilising emotion. 对象﹕17 至29 岁完成中学课程的青年人 Target: Young people aged 17 to 29 who have completed secondary education 内容﹕提供培训和工作机会,以培育他们加入社福界护理行业。 Content: To provide training and job opportunities, and equip them with the skills to join the social welfare care sector 对象:50 岁或以上年轻长者 Target: Young olds aged 50 or above 内容:一系列以「咖啡」为主题的活动,让年轻长者推著流动咖啡车 服务社区,与不同年龄及背景的对象分享及交流。 Content: A series of coffee themed activities in which young olds serve the community with a coffee trolley and communicate with different walks of life. 对象:社区人士 Target: Community members 内容:由艺术家带领,为逾600 名不同能力的服务使用者度身订造 具人性化的艺术训练。 Content: Humane art trainings were tailor-made by artists for over 600 service users with different abilities. 对象:东区逾800 户的独居及双老家庭 Target: Over 800 households with singleton and doubleton elderly in Eastern District 内容:组织志愿者探访长者家庭,为他们送上回归纪念礼包,共庆回 归25 周年。 Content: Home visits were made with volunteers delivering gift packs to the elderly households in celebration of the establishment of the 25th anniversary of the HKSAR. 对象:东华三院胡其廉长者邻舍中心独居或有需要的长者会员 Target: Singletons and needy elderly members of TWGHs Wu Ki Lim Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 内容:本院戊戌年主席王贤志先生BBS陪同「靓汤」创办人胡家惠女 士及志愿者探访长者,即场派发汤包,同度中秋佳节。 Content: To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mr. Vinci WONG, BBS, Chairman 2018/2019, accompanied Ms. Cathy WU, founder of Souper, and volunteers on a visit to the premises, where they delivered soup packs to the elderly. 对象:本院东区及中西区5 间安老及残疾人士院舍的院友 Target: Residents at 5 TWGHs homes for the elderly and persons with disabilities in Eastern/Central and Western Districts 内容:纪研设计有限公司董事陈先生向东华三院煮餸易订购了330 份 客制化的精致软餐,并赞助活动经费,资助本院举行冬至庆祝晚宴。 Content: Mr. Chan, Director of AD Design & Contracting Limited, ordered 330 sets of customised soft meals from TWGHs CookEasy and sponsored the Winter Solstice Dinner Programme. 对象:高盛公司职员、东华三院爱不同艺术艺术家 Target: Staff of Goldman Sachs and TWGHs i-dArt Artists 内容:高盛公司拣选了爱不同艺术的画作展览及拍卖,6 位艺术家到 场见证拍卖过程,其中2 位更向竞投者分享其创作历程。 Content: Goldman Sachs selected artworks from i-dArt for exhibition and internal auction. 6 i-dArt artists witnessed the bidding process, and 2 of them shared their creation process with the bidders. 对象:轮候公共租住房屋最少3 年,居于不适切住房;或低收入及 急需社区支援的住户 Target: Households living in inadequate housing conditions, with low-income or acute needs for community support, and having queued for public rental housing for 3 years or more 内容:提供过渡性住宿单位及社会服务,协助建立社区网络及支援。 Content: Providing transitional housing spaces and community services, and developing social network and support for them 对象﹕照顾者 Target: Caregivers 内容:调查由本院、和富社会企业、杰出生命计划及香港大学合作进 行,研究照顾者的网络使用对其健康的影响。 Content: The survey, conducted by TWGHs in collaboration with WoFoo Social Enterprise, the Outstanding Givers and The University of Hong Kong, examined the impact of internet use on the health of caregivers. 复康服务 Rehabilitation Services 服务发展 Service Development 东区及中西区 Eastern/Central and Western District