2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 215 服务/区域 Services/Districts 活动计划 Projects 日期 Dates 详情 Details 东华三院黄祖棠社会服务大楼 20 周年纪念 20th Anniversary of TWGHs Wong Cho Tong Social Service Building 「银」梦宝盒计划 "Silver" Treasure Box 「前面有落」精神健康展览 "Let's Take a Break" Mental Health Exhibition 「膳深轩」— 童创耆缘计划 "Food for All"- Connecting with Joy Project 孤独长者生活支援计划 Life Rhythm 赛马会逆境同行食物援助 计划——「E - 家食」网上选购食 物服务 Jockey Club Food Assistance Programme - Electronic Food Bank Teens Café — 青少年身心健康 推广计划 Teens Café - Youth Mental Health Promotion Scheme OK脑伴在「深」—视像训练支援 及探访计划 OK Smart Partner - Video Training and Visit Programme Shining Mind — 社区身心健康 推广计划 Shining Mind – Community Mental Health Promotion Scheme 4/2022 - 3/2023 8/2022 - 1/2023 27-28/10/2022 1/6/202131/5/2023 1/10/202030/9/2022 1/10/2021 – 30/9/2024 1/12/202130/7/2023 1/131/12/2022 1/12/202130/11/2023 对象:服务使用者及家属 Target: Service users and their families 内容:大楼内各单位举行各式纪念活动,感谢服务使用者及 家属的支持。 Content: A variety of celebration programmes were launched by service units in the Building to express our gratitude for the ongoing support of the users and their family members. 对象:东华三院庞永绍长者邻舍中心60 至70 岁长者会员 Target: Service users aged 60 to 70 of TWGHs Pong Wing Shiu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 内容:由社会福利署「老有所为计划」资助,协助参加者善用 个人才能,共1,000 人受惠。 Content: Funded by the "Opportunities for the Elderly Project" of the Social Welfare Department, the Project was aimed to enable the participants to contribute their talents to the community. A total of 1,000 people benefitted from the Project. 对象:社区人士 Target: Community members 内容:由携手扶弱基金资助,分享东华三院赛马会大角咀综合服务 中心会员的抗疫故事,宣传精神健康讯息,超过300 名社区人士参 与。 Content: Funded by Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, the Exhibition shared anti-epidemic stories from members of TWGHs Jockey Club Tai Kok Tsui Integrated Services Centre and promoted the messages of mental health. Over 300 community members took part in the Exhibition. 对象: 长者、儿童及贫困家庭 Target: The elderly, children and impoverished families 内容:提供价廉而富营养的饭餐服务,并举办社区活动, 以建立支援网络。 Content: The Project provided low-priced yet nutritious catering service and arranged various community activities to establish the support network for our target beneficiaries. 对象:沙田区长者 Target: The elderly in Shatin District 内容:教育讲座、合拍工作坊、拍子体验活动、探访活动、 流动拍子机及嘉年华 Content: Educational talks, workshops on rhythmic movement, life beat experiential activities, visitation, mobile metronome booth and a carnival 对象:居住于深水埗及油尖旺区,因疫情而失业或就业不足的人士 Target: Eligible persons living in Sham Shui Po and Yau Tsim Mong Districts that are unemployed and underemployed due to COVID-19 pandemic 内容:提供4 至16 星期的食物援助,以纾缓因疫情冲击而导致的经 济压力。 Content: To provide 4 to 16 weeks of food supply for target groups to relieve their financial stress aimd the pandemic 对象:区内中学生及青少年 Target: Secondary students and youth in the district 内容:举办校园午间Café 摊位、手工艺及新兴运动体验活动, 推广关注精神健康及建立正念生活的讯息。 Content: To organise lunch café booths, art and new sports programmes to promote mental well-being and built positive mind messages 对象:东华三院改善家居及社区照顾服务于深水埗及油尖旺的 服务使用者及其护老者 Target: Service users of TWGHs Enhanced Home and Community Care Services in Sham Shui Po and Yau Tsim Mong Districts and their caregivers 内容:为服务对象提供健康及社区资源和资讯、照顾技巧训练、 探访服务。 Content: To provide target groups with health-related and community resources and information, caring skills training and visit services. 对象:沙田区家庭 Target: Families in Shatin District 内容:透过举办静观、新兴运动、艺术小组、社区讲座、街头咨询 站等活动,促进参加者的身心健康,建构关爱社区。 Content: Through mindfulness groups, street sports, art activities, community talks and road shows, participants' resilience against adversity was enhanced to cultivate a caring community. 九龙城/油尖旺/ 观塘区 Kowloon City/ Yau Tsim Mong/ Kwun Tong District 深水埗/黄大仙区 Sham Shui Po/ Wong Tai Sin District 沙田区 Shatin District