2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 216 本院感谢奖券基金过去1 年拨款资助兴建福利单位,以及资助服务单位的翻新、装修及添置家具设施的费用。 TWGHs would like to express its gratitude towards the Lotteries Fund for sponsoring the costs of construction, fitting-out, renovation, and purchase of furniture and equipment for subvented service units in the past year. 服务/区域 Services/Districts 活动计划 Projects 日期 Dates 详情 Details 提供在线专业服务及网上知识 管理予安老院舍 Online Professional Service in Resident Care Home for the Elderly 社青共融计划2022 The Social and Inclusive Business Project 2022 第二届街舞导师证书课程 Dancing Life Academy 2.0 戴乐30 · 「培」您同行- 东华三院 戴东培社会服务大楼30 周年庆祝 活动 TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Social Service Building 30th Anniversary Celebration Programme 由森出发3.0 Forest Project 3.0 东华三院王李名珍荃湾长者邻舍 中心设立辅助中心 Setting Up of Sub-base for TWGHs Mrs. Wang Li Ming Tzun Tsuen Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 老有所为计划「乐活人生展耆情」 Opportunities for the Elderly Project "Active Aged with Happy Ageing" 1/4/202131/3/2023 1/2022- 4/2022 10/202010/2022 1/6/202131/12/2022 4/2022- 3/2023 8/2022- 7/2026 9/2022- 8/2024 对象:居住于大埔及北区安老院舍单位的院友及其家人 Target: Residents of elderly homes in Tai Po and North Districts and their families 内容:专业员工使用网上平台提供跨院的实时小组或活动, 并上传相关影片供服务对象观看。 Content: Professional staff made use of the online platform to provide real-time joint group activities, and uploaded related videos for service users to watch. 对象:香港城巿大学巿场推广学系硕士生、本院社会企业及 自负盈亏单位 Target: Students from the MSc Marketing Programme of the City University of Hong Kong, social enterprises and self-financing units of TWGHs 内容:在青年企业家的指导下,学生针对单位的特定产品或服务, 制订巿场推广计划书。 Content: Under the guidance of youth entrepreneurs, students prepared their marketing proposals on specific products and services for the units. 对象:青年人 Target: Youngsters 内容:27 位青年人考获街舞导师证书资历,让青年可藉著街舞在 社区中传扬正能量。 Content: 27 youngsters were awarded Street Dance Tutor Certificate. They were qualified to promote positive messages via street dance across the community. 对象:东华三院戴东培社会服务大楼员工及服务使用者 Target: Staff and service users of TWGHs Tai Tung Pui Social Service Building 内容:举办一连串及多元化的庆祝大楼30 周年活动,增强服务 使用者及员工间的联系感和归属感。 Content: A series of diversified programmes were launched to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Building with staff and service users to increase their sense of connection and belonging. 对象:儿童、青少年及长者 Target: Children, the youth and the elderly 内容:采用情意自然教育的理论推行此计划,带领参加者以5 感 连结大自然,提升正面情绪及身心灵健康。 Content: To apply a nature theory and connect with the nature with 5 senses to promote positive thinking and awareness of physical and mental health. 对象:东华三院王李名珍荃湾长者邻舍中心服务使用者 Target: Service users of TWGHs Mrs. Wang Li Ming Tzun Tsuen Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 内容:获社会福利署资助,于翠涛阁商场增设辅助中心, 预计可于2023 年第3 季提供服务。 Content: With the Social Welfare Department's funding, the Centre will set up a sub-base in Greenview Court Shopping Centre which is expected to commence services from the 3rd quarter of 2023. 对象:东华三院王李名珍荃湾长者邻舍中心服务使用者 Target: Service users of TWGHs Mrs. Wang Li Ming Tzun Tsuen Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 内容:鼓励老有所学,促进长幼分享,表扬关爱长者社区行动,让 长者乐活耆年。 Content: To promote life-long learning, intergenerational interaction and caring action for our aged neighbours, and cultivate a caring atmosphere where the aged can enjoy happy and active ageing 大埔/北区 Tai Po/North District 策划及发展部 Planning and Development Section 荃湾/屯门/元朗区 Tsuen Wan/ Tuen Mun/ Yuen Long District