2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 219 附录H1 / Appendix H1 附录H2 / Appendix H2 2022/2023年度员工编制( 医院及非常任职位除外) 年内完成的其它计划 / 项目 Staff Establishment in the Year of 2022/2023 (Excluding Hospitals and Time-limited Post) Other Projects / Items Completed in the Year · Staff recruitment was conducted for new service centres/units and projects, as well as vacancies arising from normal turnover. · A total of 2,094 appointment boards were conducted and 1,598 new staff members were recruited in the year. · Promotion exercises were conducted for school heads and teaching staff of secondary schools, primary schools, special schools and kindergartens as well as Laboratory Technician I of secondary school. · Conversion exercises were conducted for re-appointment of contract teaching staff in secondary schools, primary schools and special schools on permanent terms. · The Kindergarten Handbook on Human Resources Policies and Procedures was revised, with the incorporation of up-to-date human resources policies and procedures. · In line with the Civil Service Annual Pay Adjustment 2022, the relevant payments payable to the staff members concerned were adjusted, including salaries, allowances, leave encashment, periodical payment, etc. · An arrangement of an optional scheme was made for staff members (except temporary staff) to opt for transfer of their existing Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) accrued benefits and new contributions to another MPF service providers under the Group. The transfer of the MPF account took effect in 2022/2023. · Online staff talks were held to introduce the portfolios and risks of investment vehicles under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance and the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes. · A joint tendering exercise for pre-appointment medical examination and medical assessment services was conducted, and the service contracts of the awarded service providers became effective from 1 September 2022. · Fine-tuning of the Human Resources Information System, HR Link (Interactive Voice Response System), Human Resources Information Kiosk and Digital Signage System was undertaken. · An annual checking and updating of the computer software asset records of the Personnel Section of the Human Resources Division were completed. · An on-going enhancement of the Staff Leave Information System was undertaken. · Given the current pandemic and travel sanctions worldwide, more travel flexibilities have been given to staff members to redeem their "Long Service Travel Panel Award" in a more flexible manner, by extending the travel period, expanding the forms of travel allowed, and adding a cash option. · In response to the Government's appeal for volunteers to support the territory-wide operation of packaging and distribution of "anti-epidemic service bags", over 300 staff members were mobilised to form a "Tung Wah Volunteer Team" under the concerted efforts of all Divisions/Office. · In appreciation of staff contribution and their hard work during the pandemic, a gift set of 3 antiseptic products as special souvenirs from the Board of Directors were given to all staff members. · 为新成立的服务中心/ 单位及项目,以及自然流失的空缺 进行招聘工作。 · 年内共举行2,094 次遴选委员会,聘任1,598 名员工。 · 为中学、小学、特殊学校及幼稚园的校长及教职员,以及 中学的一级实验室技术员举行晋升遴选。 · 为中学、小学及特殊学校的合约教师转任实职进行遴选。 · 修订幼稚园人力资源政策及程序规章手册,并加入最新的 人力资源政策及程序。 · 按照政府公务员2022 年的薪酬调整,相应调整须付给有 关员工的款项,包括薪金、津贴、假期款项及按期付款等。 · 为员工 ( 临时员工除外) 安排自选计划,让员工自行选 择将现时的强积金累算权益及新供款转移至本院另一间 强积金服务提供公司,有关强积金户口转移安排已于 2022/2023 年度生效。 · 举办网上员工讲座,介绍《职业退休计划条例》和强积金 计划各种投资工具的投资组合及风险。 · 完成员工职前体格检查及医事检查服务的联合招标,获选 服务承辨商的新服务合约已由2022 年9 月1 日起生效。 · 持续改善人力资源操作系统、人事一线通电话查询热线 ( 互动语音系统)、人事资讯站及电子告示板系统。 · 完成每年核查及更新人力资源科人事部的软件资产管理纪 录。 · 持续提升员工假期资料计算机系统。 · 鉴于疫情影响,各地实施不同的出到港限制。因此,本院 特别安排「长期服务旅游评选奖励计划」的获奖员工延长 外游期限、扩阔旅游形式,以及可选择兑换现金,从而提 供更具弹性的选项。 · 本院响应政府呼吁,在各科/办公室的协作下,成功招募 超过300 名员工,组成「东华抗疫志愿者团队」,协助全港 「防疫服务包」包装及派发工作,充分体现东华三院员工 团结一心的精神。 · 向所有员工送上由董事局特别准备的心意包,内有1 套3 件抗菌清洁用品,藉此答谢员工在抗疫期间所付出的贡献 和努力,并为大家打打气。 社工及福利人员 教职人员 技工及庶务人员 医护及专职医疗人员 文职人员 行政人员 技术人员 截至2022年11月30日 As at 30 November 2022 Social Worker and Welfare Staff Teaching Staff Artisan and Menial Staff Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Staff Clerical Staff Administrative and Executive Staff Technical Staff 合计Total 9,453 100% 3,106 1,969 1,604 1,405 782 485 102 33% 21% 17% 15% 8% 5% 1% 33% 21% 17% 15% 8% 5% 1% · The staff recruitment procedures were reviewed and the administrative procedures for the decentralised Appointment Boards and collection of job applications at service centre/unit level were streamlined. · The "Personnel Circulars/Circular Memoranda still in Force" was updated in alignment with the latest organisational practices. · A manpower allocation review for the Administration Headquarters was conducted to strengthen administrative support to cope with the development needs of the organisation. · An annual review of service charges of recruitment advertising agents was conducted. · Reviews of the existing personnel procedures and practices were undertaken. Improvement measures and administrative arrangements were implemented to streamline the human resources administration system. · In view of the Annual Pay Adjustment and the adjusted Consumer Price Index, the rates of related allowances, including the mileage allowance, designated post allowance, meal allowance and more, were revised. · A review of the "Long Service Travel Panel Awards" was conducted. · A review and revision of the "Academic Excellence Incentive Scheme for Children of Staff Members" were conducted. · 检讨员工招聘程序,并简化服务单位的遴选委员会及收集 职位申请的行政程序。 · 「仍生效的人事通告/备忘录」已按最新的机构政策常规 更新。 · 检讨行政总部人力编配,加强行政支援,以配合机构的发 展需要。 · 年度检讨招聘广告商的服务收费。 · 检讨现行人事程序及惯例,并实施有关简化人力资源管理 系统的改善措施及行政安排。 · 因应年度薪酬及消费物价指数的调整,修订有关的津贴 率,包括行车津贴、指定职位津贴、膳食津贴等。 · 检讨「长期服务旅游评选奖励计划」。 · 检讨及修订「员工子女学业成绩优异奖励计划」。 检讨工作 Reviews Undertaken