2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 222 学校 Schools 详情 Details 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 联校 Joint Schools 中学 Secondary Schools 5-6/2022 9/7/2022 9-11/2022 9/4/2022 8/10/2022 校董培训2022 Training Session for Sponsoring Body Managers 2022 校长职务实战经验分享会 Sharing Session for New Principals 教师中国书法培训 Chinese Calligraphy Training for Teachers 「探索副校长的角色」网上讲座 Online Seminar for "Exploring the Role of Vice-principal" 国家安全多角度—教师专业研讨会 Holistic View of National Security – Professional Seminar for Teachers 培训以实体及网上形式举行,内容包括办学团体校董培训及教育科资讯 分享会,邀得资深教育工作者叶祖贤先生分享如何提升校董对校情的了 解,以及加强与学校教职员的沟通。 此外,亦举行在线新任校董迎新及教员校董、家长校董、校友校董及独 立校董的培训,加强校董对法团校董会职责和角色的了解。 The Training was held in the form of physical and online conferencing, including training seminars and information sharing sessions presented by the Education Division. Mr. YIP Jo Yin, a veteran educator, was invited to share his insights on how to enhance sponsoring body managers' understanding of school conditions and strengthen communication with school staff. Moreover, orientation and training sessions were held in the form of online conferencing to newly appointed managers, teacher managers, parent managers, alumni managers and independent managers to enable them to gain a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities. 分享会旨在安排资深校长为新任校长提供职务实战经验分享。是次分享 会邀得东华三院伍若瑜夫人纪念中学叶伟明校长主讲。 The purpose of the Sharing Session was to invite senior principals to share their practical experience with their newly appointed counterparts. Mr. YIP Wai Ming, Principal of TWGHs Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College, was invited to conduct the Sharing Session. 为了提高教师对中国书法的认识,培养他们在校内教授和推广中国书法 的能力,东华三院与艺术香港文化有限公司合作,合办「教师中国书法 培训班」。首办的隶书研习班共有30 位校长、副校长及教师参加。 To enhance teachers' knowledge about Chinese calligraphy and their abilities in teaching and promoting Chinese calligraphy in schools, TWGHs and Hong Kong Art Culture Limited joined hands in organising the "Chinese Calligraphy Training for Teachers". A total of 30 principals, vice-principals and teachers attended the first clerical script workshop. 讲座以网上会议形式进行,邀得东华三院李润田纪念中学及东华三院 郭一苇中学两位副校长分享他们的专业成长之路,更由教育科主管 吴奇埙先生讲解如何在教育新形势下探索副校长职能的改变,共有85 位 校长、副校长及教师出席。 The Seminar was held in the form of online conferencing, with 2 viceprincipals from TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College and TWGHs Kwok Yat Wai College sharing their professional development. Meanwhile, Mr. WU Kee Huen, Kenneth, Head of Education Division, explained how to explore the transformation of vice-principals' functions under the new educational conditions. A total of 85 principals, vice-principals and teachers attended. 研讨会以实体及网上会议形式举行,由东华三院及青识教育发展中心合 办,邀得4 位专业讲者就经济安全、网络安全、国安法例、科技安全、 社会安全等方面分享相关案例,加深参与者对国家安全的认识。出席研 讨会的中学、小学、幼稚园及特殊学校的校长及老师超过500 位。 The Seminar was held in the form of physical and online conferencing, co-organised by TWGHs and Youthinkers. 4 professional speakers were invited to share relevant cases on economic security, cyber security, national security law, technological security and social security to give the participants a better understanding of national security. More than 500 principals and teachers from secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools attended. 日期 Dates Highlights of Teaching Staff Training and Development Programmes 教师培训及发展项目概要 附录ER3 / Appendix ER3 17/5/2022 「生涯规划教育新视野:产业中的行业 多元」网上讲座 Online Seminar for "A New Vision of Career Planning Education: Diversity of Industries in the Industry" 讲座以网上会议形式进行,邀得青少年发展企业联盟的主席陈龚伟莹女 士及董事王育才先生分享他们的经验,让本院中学负责生涯规划教育及 职业辅导的教职员更了解产业中行业以及学生出路的多元性,约有100 位教师出席。 The Seminar was held in the form of online conferencing, with Mrs. Amy CHAN, Chairman of Child Development Initiative Alliance (CDIA), and Mr. Andy WONG, Director of CDIA, sharing their professional knowledge, so that teaching staff in charge of career planning education and career counselling could gain a better understanding of the diversity of career and pathways for students. About 100 teaching staff attended. 18/5/2022 「拥抱元宇宙:学校如何赶上VUCA及科 技加速的时代」网上讲座 Online Professional Talk on Metaverse Education Development 磁星汇元宇宙科技联合创办人及导师邝俊伟博士及其团队向教师介绍元 宇宙及区块链的概念,以及如何将有关概念套用于教学方法,以装备学 生面对网络转型及增加学习趣味,超过70 位教师出席。 Dr. Michael KWONG, Co-Founder and Corporate Trainer of Magnetar Asia, along with his team, introduced the concept of Metaverse and Blockchain to teachers, and explained how to apply the concepts to teaching methods to equip students for network transformation and make learning more interesting. Over 70 teaching staff attended.