2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 223 学校 Schools 详情 Details 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 日期 Dates 中学 Secondary Schools 小学 Primary Schools 幼稚园 Kindergartens 20/5/2022 - 31/3/2023 5/11/2022 2, 13/6 & 4/7/2022 29/6/2022 6 & 7/2022 8/8/2022 23/8/2022 26/7 & 15/8/2022 18/10/2022 东华三院小学副校长/中层领导人员行政 基础认知课程 School Administration Foundation Course for Deputy Headteachers and Middle Managers of TWGHs Primary Schools 东华三院中学中层管理人员职涯讲座 Career Talk for Middle Management in TWGHs Secondary Schools 「赛马会幼童健齿计划」教师培训 Teacher Training for "Jockey Club Children Oral Health Project" 「学与教的领导」校长分享会 Sharing Session for Principals on "Leadership for Learning and Teaching" 2021/2022 学年联校同侪观课计划 2021/2022 School Year Peer Lesson Observation Scheme 新晋升主任分享会 Sharing Session for Newly Promoted Kindergarten Senior Teachers 「学与教的领导」校长分享会 Sharing Session for Principals on "Leadership for Learning and Teaching" 新英语课程教师培训 Teacher Training for New Kindergarten English Curriculum 东华三院小学主任晋升分享会 Promotion Talk for Middle Management of TWGHs Primary Schools 为提升教师个人职能,协助学校提升整体效能,并为学生提供优质的教 育服务,本院教育科在2021/2022 学年获董事局拨款,为属下小学副校 长及中层领导人员推行一连串的行政基础认知课程。课程涵盖不同范畴, 包括人力资源管理、财务及采购管理、行政管理、学校管理、课程发展 及评估、质素保证、危机处理、沟通技巧等。 Funded by Board of Directors in the academic year of 2021/2022, a series of school administration foundation courses for deputy headteachers and middle managers was organised by the Education Division. The Course intended to enhance teachers' professional competence, which in turn also enabled better school management and better education services for students. The Course covered a wide range of disciplines, including human resources management, finance and supplies management, administrative management, school management, curriculum development and assessment, quality assurance, crisis management, communication skills and more. 讲座在东华三院冯黄凤亭中学举行,邀得东华三院教育科主管吴奇埙先 生分享教师职业路上的历程和心得,超过100 位教师出席。 The Talk was held at TWGHS Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College, with Mr. WU Kee Huen, Kenneth, Head of Education Division, sharing his experiences and insights on the career path of teachers. More than 100 teachers attended. 由香港大学牙医学院主办,为本院共44 名教师提供网上视像培训, 以便教师更有效地向幼儿传递口腔健康讯息。 Organised by Faculty of Dentistry of The University of Hong Kong, the Training conducted via online conferencing for 44 teachers aimed at equipping them with the skills to effectively deliver oral health information to children. 东华三院王胡丽明幼稚园时任校长林燕敏女士以网上视像形式, 与全体幼稚园校长分享「学与教的领导」专业知识和宝贵经验。 Ms. LAM Yin Man, the then Principal of TWGHs Wong Wu Lai Ming Kindergarten, shared with all other kindergarten principals via online conferencing her expertise and experience in "Leadership for Learning and Teaching". 是学年交流的主题为「品德教育」,属下4 所幼稚园属示范学校,并邀得 3 位幼儿教育专家评课,18 所幼稚园均派出老师参与观课及交流。 With "Moral Education" as the topic of the school year, 4 TWGHs kindergartens, acting in the capacity of demonstrating schools, invited 3 professionals in early childhood education as evaluators, and teachers from all other TWGHs kindergartens as participants. 教育科代表联同3位校长、1位时任副校长及1位主任向6位新晋升主任 分享如何带领老师共同备课、区角活动设计、环境布置及校园活动设计。 Representatives from the Education Division, along with 3 principals, the then vice-principal and a senior teacher, shared with 6 newly promoted senior teachers on providing guidance to teachers regarding lesson preparation, corner activity design, environment set-up, and campus activity design. 东华三院马陈家欢幼稚园校长劳丽云女士以网上视像形式,与全体 幼稚园校长分享「领导与组织」经验,以及带领校内教师筹划生动有趣 的体验学习活动的心得。 Ms. LO Lai Wan, Principal of TWGHs Katherine Ma Kindergarten, shared with all other kindergarten principals via online conferencing her experience about "leadership and organisation" and insights into planning and executing along with teaching staff lively and interesting experiential learning activities. 5 所院属幼稚园就推行新英语课程举办两场教师培训,由外籍英语老师 示范如何以绘本建构英文语境,以生动活泼的教学法教导幼儿学习英文, 并以英语表达自己,与老师及同学互动。 2 sessions of teacher training for 5 TWGHs kindergartens were held, where native English-speaking teachers demonstrated how to construct an English context with picture books. They also learned to apply vibrant pedagogy for children to learn English as a foreign language, and to express themselves and interact with teachers and classmates. 为协助属下小学老师加深了解学校团队工作的角色及其生涯规划,本院 教育科举办「东华三院小学主任晋升分享会」,并邀得教育科主管吴奇埙 先生分享教师职业生涯的成功要素,让有意晋升的教师好好装备自己, 预早准备升职面试及计划未来的发展路向。 To enable primary school teachers of the Group to better understand the role of school teamwork and their career planning, the "Promotion Talk for Middle Management of TWGHs Primary Schools" was held with Mr. WU Kee Huen, Kenneth, Head of Education Division, sharing the key elements of a successful teaching career. Teachers interested in promotion could equip themselves for better performance in promotion interviews and better planning of their future development. 7/10/2022 2022/2023 学年第一次幼稚园联校 教师专业发展日 2022/2023 School Year 1st Joint Kindergartens Teacher Professional Development Day 发展日以网上视像形式举行,共有280 名教职员参加,其中包括「校园 国安教育新视野」讲座及「推展中国文化艺术」工作坊。 The Development Day was conducted via online conferencing and attended by 280 teaching staff, including a talk on "The Implementation of National Security Education on Campus" and a workshop on "Promoting Chinese Culture and Art".