2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 224 学校 Schools 详情 Details 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 日期 Dates 服务/ 区域 Services/Districts 详情 Details 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 安老服务 Elderly Services 青少年及 家庭服务 Youth and Family Services 28/6/2022 29/7/2022 15/11/2022 30/12/2022 30/8/2022 「身体动作」与改善疫情下长者焦虑及抑 郁情绪工作坊 Workshop on "Movement-based" Intervention to Relieve Elderly's Anxiety and Depressive Mood During Epidemic 认识吞咽困难、实践及应用「国际吞咽 困难饮食标准」工作坊 Workshop on Understanding Dysphagia and Application of "The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative" (IDDSI) 「认知障碍症行为应对」工作坊 Workshop on "Handling Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) of Demented Elderly" 「工作与生活融合」工作坊 Workshop on "Work-Life Integration" 「在线直播服务及KOL发展( 初阶)」 工作坊 Workshop on "Online Live Broadcast Service and KOL Development (Elementary)" 27名员工参与工作坊,认识「身体动作」理论,学习相关介入手法, 以加强服务单位在疫情期间对长者焦虑及抑郁情绪的支援。 27 staff members attended the Workshop to learn the "Movementbased" rationale and intervention approach, so as to reinforce the support rendered by our service centres to the elderly for coping with anxiety and depressive mood during the epidemic. 33 名专业同工参与工作坊,认识吞咽困难、国际吞咽困难饮食标准 IDDSI 及如何在社区照顾服务单位支援有吞咽困难的长者。 33 professional staff attended the Workshop to learn about dysphagia, IDDSI and the way to support the elderly with dysphagia in community care services settings. 30 名员工参与工作坊,认识如何利用「蒙特梭利」方法,去建立 认知友善环境,并提升员工处理认知障碍行为问题的技巧。 30 staff members attended the Workshop to learn the use of Montessori Method in building up a dementia-friendly environment and enhancing their skills in handling behavioural problems of the demented elderly. 20 名员工参与工作坊,增加彼此认识及强化团队精神, 同时学习工作与生活平衡的技巧。 20 staff members attended the Workshop to improve mutual understanding, strengthen team spirit and learn the skills of achieving work-life balance. 48 名员工参与工作坊,认识在线直播的基本知识技巧,并认识KOL 文化及探索如何应用在线直播,以配合年轻长者服务发展。 48 staff members attended the Workshop to learn the basic knowledge and skills of online live broadcast, explored the KOL culture, and studied the application of online live broadcast in young old services. 日期 Dates Highlights of Staff Training and Development Programmes of the Community Service Division 社会服务科员工培训及发展项目概要 附录ER4 / Appendix ER4 30/9/2022 16 & 23/9/2022 教师发展日「正念退修日营」 Teachers Development Day "Mindfulness Day Camp" 创伤治疗及处理技巧-基础训练班 Trauma Healing and Treatment Skills - Elementary Training Course 19 名员工参与发展日,体验正念及如何了解身心灵的需要, 团队间彼此支援,从而更妥善面对新挑战。 19 staff members attended the Camp to experience mindfulness and learn to understand physical, mental and spiritual needs. The Camp promoted the mutual support among teams to better cope with new challenges. 40 位社工参与训练班,认识「创伤治疗」,包括身心创伤的原理、 察觉身体感觉、情绪调节及创伤治疗的三大阶段。 40 social workers attended the Course to acquire the knowledge about "Trauma Healing", including the theories behind trauma, awareness of bodily sensation, emotion regulation, and the 3 stages in trauma healing. 特殊学校 Special Schools 2, 9, 25/2 & 11/3/2023 东华三院特殊学校联校专业发展日 Joint Special Schools Staff Development Day 发展日邀得资深注册社工、资深教师培训工作者郭广辉先生担任主讲 嘉宾,内容包括「校园调解」讲座及「如何处理家长投诉」工作坊。 共有约100 名教师以及学校和宿舍专责人员出席。 Mr. KWOK Kwong Fai, a senior registered social worker and a veteran trainer of teachers, was invited to give a talk on "Mediation on Campus" and conduct a workshop on "How to Handle Parent Complaints". A total of about 100 teachers and specialist staff from school and boarding sections attended. 幼稚园 Kindergartens 3/12/2022 31/1/2023 9/2/2023 「新入职教师课程培训」工作坊 Workshop on "New Teacher Training on Kindergarten Curriculum" 2022/2023 学年第二次幼稚园联校 教师专业发展日 2022/2023 School Year 2nd Joint Kindergartens Teacher Professional Development Day 「中层管理」培训工作坊 Training Workshop on "Middle Management" 工作坊为45 名新入职的幼稚园教师介绍「绘本认识知多少及推行 幼儿品德教育」。 The Workshop was attended by 45 new teachers and introduced "Picture Book Teaching and Moral Education for Children". 发展日安排「中国艺术新体验」工作坊,让教师了解中国传统戏曲及 南音,并安排教师前往东华三院方树福堂幼稚园( 皇后山) 参观,实地 进行教学交流。约有300 名主任、教师、教学助理及外籍教师出席。 The Development Day organised a workshop on "New Experience in Exploring Chinese Art" to enable teaching staff to understand traditional Chinese opera and Nanyin. A visit to TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten (Queens Hill) was also arranged for teaching sharing. About 300 senior teachers, teachers, teaching assistants and native English-speaking teachers attended. 以「教育工作者常遇到哪里些法律『陷阱』?」为题的工作坊,为15 位校长 及27 位主任讲解幼稚园实用法律知识。 Through a workshop titled "What are the legal traps that educators may come across at work?", 15 kindergarten principals and 27 senior teachers learned some practical legal knowledge about kindergarten education.