2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

附录 APPENDIX 227 服务/ 区域 Services/Districts 详情 Details 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 日期 Dates 「离地工作安全及正确使用梯具」工作坊 Workshop on "Work Safety off the Ground and Proper Use of Ladder" 「司机工作职安健」工作坊 Workshop on "Driver Work Safety" 「体力处理操作( 前线员工)」工作坊 Workshop on "Manual Handling Operation (Frontline Staff)" 职业安全及健康 委员会 Committee on Occupational Safety and Health 24/6/2022 23/9/2022 17/3/2023 21/12/2022 正确使用计算机及手机 Proper Use of Computer and Mobile Phone 44 名员工参与工作坊,认识梯具的选择及使用技巧,提升离地工作 环境的安全意识,避免因离地工作而发生意外。 44 staff members attended the Workshop to learn about the selection and use of ladders, so as to enhance the safety awareness of working off the ground for the prevention of accidents. 41 名员工参与工作坊,认识驾驶的职安健、司机工作环境的安全及 伸展运动,以减少司机工伤及避免复康巴意外。 41 staff members attended the Workshop to learn about occupational safety and health issues in driving, the safety of the drivers' working environment, and stretching exercise, all aimed at reducing driver injuries and preventing any accidents on rehabilitation buses. 40 名职员学习体力处理操作及扶抱转移的危害因素及预防控制 措施,并认识职业性筋肌劳损的成因及预防方法。 40 staff members attended the Workshop to learn about the risk factors and preventive measures of manual handling operation, and lifting and transfer, as well as the causes and prevention of occupational musculoskeletal disorders. 40 名员工参与课程,认识有关计算机显示屏幕的职安健法例、正确使 用方法、不当使用的危害及伸展运动,预防工伤。 40 staff members attended the Course to learn about the occupational safety and health legislations related to display screen equipment, the correct use of electronic screens, the hazards of improper use of display screens, and the stretching exercises to prevent work-related injuries. 廉政公署防贪讲座 Talk on Anti-corruption 28/6/2022 29名员工参与由廉政公署主持的讲座,深入认识贪污漏洞,诚信工作及管治,以及遇到 贿赂个案时的处理方法。 29 staff members attended the Talk conducted by the Independent Commission Against Corruption to learn more about corruption loopholes, work and governance with integrity, and how to deal with bribery situations. 多元化感官团队训练工作坊 Teambuilding Workshop on Multi-sensory Exploration 22/7/2022 透过无声互动工作坊及黑暗中体验旅程,让员工了解互信对团队合作的重要性,提高换 位思考及沟通能力,以实践团队互信和合作。 As part of the efforts to promote mutual trust and cooperation, the Interaction in Silence Workshop and Experience Tour in Darkness were organised for staff members to understand the importance of mutual trust in teamwork, and to enhance their empathetic thinking and communication skills. 土工职安健讲座 Talk on Occupational Safety and Health for Funeral Staff 6/10/2022 17名土工参与讲座,认识搬运重物及棺木时的正确姿势,以及了解姿势不当所带来的劳 损及疾病。 17 funeral staff attended the Talk to learn about the proper posture when carrying heavy objects and coffins, and to understand the strain and illnesses caused by improper posture. 陶瓷花制作体验班 Experiential Class on Ceramic Peony 11/11/2022 透过学习制作陶瓷牡丹花,让员工在创作过程中纾缓生活压力,提升身心灵健康。 By learning to make ceramic peonies, staff members were able to relieve their stress of life and improve their psychological well-being through the creative process. 培训及发展项目 Training and Development Programmes 日期 Dates 详情 Details 公共服务部员工培训及发展项目概要 Highlights of Staff Training and Development Programmes of the Traditional Services Section 附录ER5 / Appendix ER5