2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

Every time when I step into the Assembly Hall of TWGHs Li Shiu Chung Memorial Building, I am enthralled by the heritages from classic plaques and couplets to solemn stone inscriptions and porcelain photos. All these historical heritages serve as a constant reminder of how onerous the journey has been for TWGHs over the past 150 years, throughout which we must remain committed to universal mercy and succour by enhancing public welfare and adhering to our mission of serving the public. Therefore, I am deeply convinced that at TWGHs, the Chairman is as much a protector passing on the philanthropic legacy and wisdom of our predecessors as a pioneer pursuing innovation for charity. As LIANG Qichao's The Young China goes, "Nostalgia breeds conservatism, while hope brings progress. Conservatism cleaves to an unchanging yesterday, while progress drives an evolving tomorrow." Instead of standing still, we must uphold the common faith together and preserve the charitable acts and hearts of TWGHs, embracing innovation and responding to the needs of the new era in a fearless manner. Only in doing so can the philanthropy and services of TWGHs move forward in tandem with the society and benefit the citizens. With "Promoting Charity and Philanthropy for Public Good" as the governance motto for the year, we have been keen on forging new fund-raising platforms with the use of technology. Creative mindset, forward-looking vision and brand-new approaches have been employed to add value to and push the boundaries of all services on many fronts, such as medical and health, education, community, cultural preservation and traditional service, so that TWGHs could achieve sustainable development and philanthropic endeavours while realising our original aspirations in doing good deeds. My sincere gratitude goes to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Advisory Board, predecessors, benefactors, corporations and dear friends for their support and guidance, as well as the Board of Directors 2022/2023 and TWGHs team for their concerted efforts. Without them, there was no way for the above targets to be achieved over the past year. 每当我步入东华三院李兆忠纪念大楼礼 堂时,墙上一块块古雅的牌匾和对联, 一幅幅庄严的碑记和瓷相,眼前这些历 史印记都时刻提醒著我,东华三院走过 的一百五十多年悠久历史殊不容易,必 须「常怀普济众生心」,以大众福祉为本, 以服务市民为己任,矢志不变。所以我 深信东华三院主席,既要肩负传承先贤 前辈善业及智能的守护者,亦要担当善 道上勇于创新的先驱者。诚如梁启超先 生于《少年中国说》所云:「惟留恋也, 故保守;惟希望也,故进取。惟保守也, 故永旧;惟进取也,故日新」。我们须 持守相同的信念,既要传承东华三院 的善行仁心,但亦不能固步自封,更要 无惧创新,回应新时代的需求,才能让 东华三院的慈善事业及服务,与社会同 步发展、福泽利民。 本年度的管治理念是「弘善扬道,博施 利群」,我们勇于破旧立新,善用科技, 开拓筹募新平台,以创新思维、远瞻视 野、崭新手法,为各项服务增添新价值、 扩阔发展空间,让本院在医疗衞生、教 育、社会、文化保育和公共服务等各 方面得以持续发展,博施济众,弘扬 东华三院的行善初心。要达到上述的目 标,有赖在过去一年香港特区政府、顾 问局、前贤、善长、企业等各方友好的 匡扶指导,以及壬寅年董事局仝人和 东华三院上下团队的并肩同行,我谨首 先致以由衷感谢。 前言FOREWORD