2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

推动全人教育 全力立德树人 Promoting All-round Education and Cultivating Talents with Good Character 人才培育是香港赖以持续发展的重要元素, 东华三院以「有教无类」为办学宗旨,更不断投 放资源,为学生提供更完善的校园设备及多面向 的学习体验,为社会培育具备世界视野、专业技 能、爱国爱港的栋梁。东华三院蔡荣星小学于 2022 年12 月由美林邨临时校舍迁往位于水泉澳 的全新永久校舍,让学生能在2022/2023 年度下 学期于卓越的学习环境中上课。此外,东华三院 高可宁纪念小学校舍新翼的增补工程已于2022 年11 月完成。延伸校舍设有赛马会慈善信托基 金拨款资助的游乐坊、16 间标准课室、活动中心 及会议室,为学生增添活动空间及更多元化的学 习体验。幼儿教育方面,本院获教育局分配位于 皇后山新入伙公共屋邨的一所幼稚园校舍,以作 东华三院方树福堂幼稚园重置之用,其已于2022 年9 月正式开学。 为奖励在2022 年香港中学文凭考试成绩优异, 品行及课外活动均有杰出表现的学生成功升读 大学,继续发奋图强,本院于2022/2023 学年 除以往已设有的9 项奖学金外,本年度更增设 「东华三院宋陈碧桃奖学金」,颁发给获本地大 学内外全科医学士课程取录的毕业生。其中, 「东华三院文武庙作育英才海外奖学金」 是针对性资助有经济需要而表现优秀的院属 毕业生到内地及海外升学,入读世界顶尖学 府。本年度已有一位受奖学金资助的学生 从英国里兹大学法律系毕业且学成回港。 本年度亦有3 位学生获颁「东华三院北京 清华大学入学奖学金」,其中两位更同时取得 「东华三院文頴怡勤俭忠信奖学金」。本院另设有 「东华三院中银香港国内升学奖学金」18 个名额 及「东华三院黄乾亨基金奖学金」36 个名额,以 支持学生到内地升学。 东华三院一向致力推动「全人教育」,为属校中 小学生提供多元化的活动,方可春风化雨。其中 包括大力推行STEM教育,并把世界体育竞技潮 流融入其中,在香港无人机运动总会协助下,本 院为属下15 所小学举行首届「东华三院少年竞 速无人机比赛」,比赛旨在培养他们在科技上的 解难能力,以及发掘有潜质的学生加以培育。除 了创新思维,本院同样重视学生体艺发展,推行 「专家入课」,让学生于学习中发掘兴趣及专长, 发展个人潜能,其中包括举行了东华三院小学联 校足球竞技比赛及武术比赛。为使学生能多了 解社会及培育他们的公民意识,本院继续举办 「东华三院何超蕸联校公民教育奖」,让参赛学生 需透过构思推广活动,展现他们的创意及对公民 教育的认识。此外,本院属校中小学师生踊跃参 与由教育局及保安局合办的「2022 年国家安全齐 参与」计划,培养学生守法和维护国家安全的意 Talent grooming remains a key element for driving sustainable development in Hong Kong. Upholding the philosophy of “Education for All”, TWGHs deployed resources continuously in providing students with optimised campuses and multi-faceted learning experience, with a view to cultivating talents who are patriotic with global vision and professional skills. In December 2022, TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School moved out of its temporary campus in Mei Lam Estate to a new permanent site in Shui Chuen O for students to enjoy an exceptional learning environment from the 2nd semester of the academic year 2022/2023 onwards. Moreover, top-up works of the new wing of TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary School was completed in November 2022. The campus extension comes with a play zone, 16 standard classrooms, an activity centre and conference room, all funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, offering its students extra activity space and a more diversified learning experience. In respect of early childhood education, the Group was given a kindergarten campus at a new public estate in Queen’s Hill by the Education Bureau for reprovisioning of TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten, which commenced schooling in September 2022. To reward students who were admitted to universities in 2022 with excellent performances in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), conduct and extra curriculum activities and to motivate them to aim for higher targets, TWGHs added a new scholarship, namely “TWGHs Momoko Sung Scholarship”, to the 9 existing scholarships in the academic year 2022/2023 for graduates enrolled in any local bachelor programmes of medicine and surgery. Meanwhile, “TWGHs Man Mo Temple Scholarship for Overseas Studies” aims to support outstanding TWGHs graduates with financial needs to pursue tertiary education in renowned universities in Mainland China and abroad. As a case in point, a student under our sponsorship returned Hong Kong during the year upon graduation from the law school of the University of Leeds, UK. Meanwhile, there were 3 students who were awarded “TWGHs Beijing Tsinghua University Entrance Scholarship”, with 2 of them obtaining “Ms. Ginny Man Virtues of TWGHs Scholarship” at the same time. There are also 18 and 36 quotas for “TWGHs Bank of China (Hong Kong) Mainland University Entrance Scholarship” and “TWGHs Philip K.H. Wong Foundation Scholarship” respectively to support students furthering their study in Mainland China. Sparing no effort in promoting “All-round Education”, TWGHs nurtures talents by providing its students with a diverse range of activities. STEM education, blended with competition trends in international sports, is one of the key initiatives. With the assistance from the Hong Kong Drone Sports Association, TWGHs organised for 15 TWGHs primary schools the first “TWGHs Junior Racer Championships”, which was designed to develop their trouble-shooting skills in technology and identify students with potential for further development. Apart from creative minds, TWGHs places equal emphasis on physical and aesthetic development by, for example, organising TWGHs Joint Primary School Soccer Skills Competition and Wu-shu Competition. “In-class Experts” had been introduced to enable students to discover their interests and strengths while developing their individual potential. To enhance students’ understanding of the society and cultivate their civic awareness, TWGHs continued to hold “TWGHs Miss Maisy Ho Joint Schools Civic Education Award”, in which participating students could showcase their creativity and knowledge about civic education by devising promotional activities. In addition, the “2022 Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security” Programme, jointly organised by the Education Bureau and the Security Bureau to educate students about law-abidingness, awareness and responsibility of safeguarding national security, saw an active participation of TWGHs teachers and students. Our students even won 的病者可透过东华三院流动应用程序重配中药浓 缩颗粒、中草药配药或选用煎药服务,并可选择 取药或配送地点,省时便捷。 prescriptions was launched for patients with valid prescriptions to replenish prescriptions of Chinese medicine concentrated granules and herbs, or to opt for decoction services, medicine pick-up points or delivery locations through TWGHs Corporate Mobile Application in a fast and convenient manner.