2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

识和责任感。属校学生更于计划下的「国家安全 标语创作及海报设计比赛」中获奖。 读万卷书不如行万里路,在疫情缓和及符合各 地的防疫规定下,本院于2022 年及2023 年安排 2021/2022 及2022/2023 年度东华三院学生大使, 分别前赴新加坡及伦敦参与交流活动,让同学增 广见闻,拓阔视野。除了培训学生认识世界, 关心社会亦同样重要。本院连续第五年与市区重 建局合办「青年领袖计划」,透过一系列旧区导 赏、工作坊、分享会及联校比赛等多元化活动, 培育学生的创意、团队协作及解难等领袖才能。 今年以「开创宜居新社区」为题,属下共有18 所 中学共143 位学生参与,活动配合由发展局委托 本院营运的地理空间实验室的教学资源,使学生 能运用及发挥地理空间数据的效益,提出改善土 瓜湾区居住环境的方案。此外,本院亦承蒙中 国银行( 香港) 有限公司捐助,开展为期一年的 东华三院「绿色气候先锋」青年领袖计划,旨在 加深学生对气候变化的认识及培养他们成为具有 同理心的年轻领袖。本院用心支援学生及早制定 个人生涯规划,为未来作好准备。本院本年度再 次获民政及青年事务局「青年生涯规划活动资助 计划(2022-25)」拨款800 万元,持续推行「『My Way』中学生生涯发展教育计划」及「中学生/ 离 校生个人升学和就业支援服务」,服务院属中学 合共10,700 位学生、340 位教师及470 位家长, 支援学生生涯规划的发展。为进一步与国内教 育单位紧密交流,本院于2022 年中旬,携手与 保良局、仁济医院、九龙乐善堂、博爱医院及 仁爱堂各大善团的教育部门代表,发起成立粤港 澳办学团体协作平台( 香港),旨在促进两地学 术联系。 本院深明学习不局限于课堂,更可通过举办丰富 多元的师生交流活动,促进教学双长,大大提升 教师专业水平,亦可丰富学生的学习体验,相得 益彰,本年度活动包括:本院属下中学副校长参 与「探索副校长的角色」网上讲座、学校教职员 参加本院教育科与青少年发展企业联盟合办「生 涯规划教育新视野:产业中的行业多元」网上讲 座、属下中、小学学生亦有参与由香港赛马会 举办「小龙马 · 游香港」艺术展览及创作展览中 的25 只「小龙马」雕塑,以及属校中学教师与来 自其它4 间中学的教师参与年度「STEM教育卓 师工作室总结分享会」。再者,53 名属校中学生 参加由觉行念慈基金会举办的「中秋温惩心连心 ( 荃湾区) 暨世界和平书法日」,与会场超过400 位同学及参与者一同挥毫,创下可持续发展目标 SDG世界纪录。本院更联同青识教育发展中心为 超过500 名学校同工举办「国家安全多角度—教 师专业研讨会」,提高老师对《国家安全多角度— 全球个案大搜查》内容的认识,以灵活运用该书, 帮助学生掌握国家安全的观念。东华三院和暨南 大学已签订一份为期5 年的合作协议书,并计划 举办「东华三院校长—暨南大学校长及教师国情 教育培训」。 本院重视对学童学习差异的支援,亦关顾学童、 家长的心灵健康,继东华三院何玉清教育心理服 务中心于2020 年停课初期发布电子绘本《停课的 the “Slogan-cum-Poster Design Competition on National Security” in the same programme. Travelling thousands of miles brings about greater benefits than reading thousands of books. Amid the subsiding epidemic and in compliance with the anti-epidemic requirements overseas, our Student Ambassadors 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 travelled to Singapore and London for exchange activities in 2022 and 2023 respectively to enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons. Apart from learning about the world, they must also pay heed to social issues. TWGHs has held the “Youth Leaders Programme” for 5 years in a row in collaboration with the Urban Renewal Authority to nurture youngsters’ leadership skills in creativity, teamwork, problem-solving and other areas through a series of diverse activities, ranging from guided tours in old districts, workshops, sharing sessions and joint school competitions. Under the theme of “Creating Liveable Community” this year, 143 students from a total of 18 TWGHs secondary schools took part in the Programme. Coupled with education resources from the Geospatial Lab operated by TWGHs under the commission of the Development Bureau, the programme allowed students to realise the benefits of using geospatial data and devise proposals that improved the living environment in To Kwa Wan. TWGHs also received a donation from Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited to carry out TWGHs “Green Climate Pioneer”, a one-year youth leadership programme designed to strengthen students’ understanding of climate change and cultivate them into young leaders with empathy. We received another $8 million from the "Funding Scheme for Youth Life Planning Activities (2022-25)" of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau to support our students in making early personal life planning and preparing for the future. The funding was earmarked for running the “‘My Way’ Project on Life Planning for Secondary School Students” and “Individual Study and Career Support Service for Secondary School Students and Leavers”, serving a total of 10,700 students, 340 teachers and 470 parents within our secondary schools. To maintain close communication with educational institutions in Mainland China and drive cross-boundary academic collaboration, TWGHs established in mid-2022 the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau School Sponsoring Bodies Collaborating Platform (Hong Kong) with representatives of education departments from other charity groups, namely Po Leung Kuk, Yan Chai Hospital, The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon, Pok Oi Hospital and Yan Oi Tong. TWGHs recognises that learning can be conducted outside the classroom in the form of dynamic and diverse activities aiming to promote exchange between teachers and students for mutual benefit. The professional standard of teachers and learning experience of students can both be enhanced, achieving a win-win situation. Activities during the year include the following: an online seminar titled “Exploring the Role of VicePrincipal” conducted for vice-principals of TWGHs secondary schools, “A New Vision of Career Planning Education: Diversity of Industries in the Industry” Online Seminar co-organised by TWGHs Education Division and the Child Development Initiative Alliance for our teaching staff, and Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC)’s “Drago Cavallo. Travel around HK.” art showcase for our primary and secondary students, who created 25 Drago Cavallo sculptures for the exhibition, and the annual “Concluding Day of CEATE Awardee Workshop (STEM)” for teaching staff from our secondary schools and 4 other secondary schools. Moreover, 53 TWGHs secondary students participated the “Mid-Autumn Festival (Tsuen Wan District) cum World Peace Calligraphy Day” organised by Cultivation of Mercy Charitable Foundation and wrote calligraphy with more than 400 participants on-site, creating a world record for Sustainable Development Goals. Together with Youthinkers, we held the “Holistic View of National Security – Professional Seminar for Teachers”, which enhanced the knowledge of more than 500 staff about a book that covers national security-related cases from around the world and enabled their flexible use of the publication to help students better understand the concept of national security. TWGHs has signed a 5-year Memorandum of Agreement with Jinan University (JNU), with the intention to introduce “Training on National Education for TWGHs Principals – JNU President and Teaching Staff”. TWGHs attaches importance to supporting students’ learning diversity and caring for the mental health of parents and students. Following the launch of the e-picture book Days without Classes are Like Riding