2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

市民安居乐业,社会则更见和谐稳定,因此政府 近年积极推展过渡性房屋计划,冀能让不适切居 Building a Caring Society that Helps the Underprivileged Settle in Peace and Contentment A society where people live and work in peace and contentment is more harmonious and stable. In view of this, the Government spearheaded 关爱弱势社群 共建安居社会 青少年全人成长中心经已于2022 年年底基本完 成,在2023 年首季取得入伙纸后将陆续分阶段 投入服务,为青年人提供具国际水平的创意文化 培育。在扶青方面,承蒙特区政府邀请,本院成 为 「共创明『Teen』计划」西九龙区域的营办机 构,为期一年,名额约470 个。此计划集结官、 商、民三方面的合作,配合师友配对、个人发展 规划及财政支援等三大元素,著力培育来自弱势 社群家庭就读中一至中三青年学员,让他们开阔 眼界、加强自信、建立正向人生观。 毒品祸害不容轻视,禁毒工作更见重要,尤其对 入世未深的青年人,更要加强教育。承蒙保安局 禁毒处所托,本院于2022 年开始负责营运禁毒 常务委员会的香港赛马会禁毒资讯天地。香港赛 马会禁毒资讯天地是全港首个以禁毒教育为主题 的永久展览馆,并引入全新的主题设计及更新展 品,大大加强禁毒教育功能。 「幼吾幼以及人之幼」,扶幼工作亦是重中之重。 本院获赛马会慈善信托基金拨款4,846 万元资 助,于2022 年至2027 年推出「赛马会童亮计 划2.0」,选址屯门东华三院雷咏祥儿童中心设立 「赛马会童亮馆」,旨在照顾3至6岁的基层幼童, 包括为他们提供健康、情绪、社交、智力及语言 发展等全方位支援;加强亲子情感连系以提升家 长及照顾者的身心健康及增强家庭功能;加强教 师专业发展,改善教学环境及增润课程;以及建 构以儿童为本的社区承托模式,提升社区凝聚力 等。 「老吾老以及人之老」,本院一向重视安老服务, 并配合政府的有关政策,让长者安享晚年。欣 获香港赛马会慈善信托基金377 万元赞助,本院 「圆满人生服务」与香港中文大学赛马会公共衞 生及基层医疗学院合作,于2022 年起推行为期 3 年的赛马会「无独有偶」跨代关怀长者计划, 透过本科医学生和年轻长者义务探访、跨代培训 等活动支援独居长者。另外,本院获精神健康项 目资助计划拨款182 万7,766 元,由2022 年起推 行为期两年的「游历照护之旅计划」,为全港护 老者提供支援服务,并提高公众对护老者精神健 康的关注。另本院「圆满人生服务」于2022 年再 次举行「存为爱」生死教育活动—「存为爱」生命 探索之旅,是次生死博览会透过艺术性及资讯性 兼备的活动,启发参加者重新审视生命的价值和 意义。本院方润华长者邻舍中心承蒙纪研设计有 限公司善长陈先生(Andy CHAN) 捐款250 万元资 助健体复康器材及翻新工程,于中心成立「盈动 汇」,鼓励长者多做运动及建立健康生活模式。 The construction of TWGHs Holistic Centre for Youth Development in San Po Kong was generally completed at the end of 2022. Upon receiving the Occupation Permit in the 1st quarter of 2023, the Centre will be put into service in phases, offering a world-class complex for arts and culture, activities, and services to young people. At the invitation from the HKSAR Government, TWGHs serves as the district organiser of the “Strive and Rise Programme” in Kowloon West District for a year as part of our youth support. Through tripartite collaboration between the Government, the business sector and the community, the programme features the three elements of mentorship, personal development planning and financial support, with an aim of expanding the horizons, building up selfconfidence and establishing positive values for secondary 1 to secondary 3 students from about 470 underprivileged families. The fact that the scourge of drugs is too severe to ignore reflects the importance of anti-drug efforts and the need to step up education, especially for young people with little life experience. Commissioned by Narcotics Division of Security Bureau, TWGHs began to run Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre of the Action Committee Against Narcotics in 2022, which is the first permanent anti-drug educational exhibition centre in Hong Kong. New themes and exhibits were introduced to scale up antidrug education. As Mencius advocated, “We should love our own children and extend the same love to the children of others”, raising children is also among our top agenda. With a funding support of $48.46 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the "KeySteps@JC Community Hub (Tuen Mun)" under the “KeySteps@JC” Phase 2 has been set up at TWGHs Lui Wing Cheung Children Centre from 2022 to 2027, taking care of children aged between 3 and 6 from the underprivileged families. Project outcomes includes the following: providing holistic support (health, emotion, social skills, cognitive and language development); enhancing parent-child attachment, and promoting the well-being of parents and caregivers to strengthen family functioning; facilitating the capacity building of teachers, enriching learning environment and school curriculum; and developing a child-focused community support model to foster social cohesion. Mencius also said, “We should extend the respect for the aged in our family to those of other families.” TWGHs has been dedicated to elderly services, in a bid to bring a secure and happy life to the elderly by supporting relevant policies of the Government. We were pleased to receive a sponsorship of $3.77 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, which facilitated the launch of the “Jockey Club Intergenerational Engagement Project to Reduce Social Isolation among Elderly” in 2022. This 3-year programme, co-organised by TWGHs "Endless Care Services" and the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supports singleton elderly through a range of activities, such as volunteer visits by undergraduate medical students and young elderly, and intergenerational training. After obtaining a subsidy of $1,827,766 from the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, we rolled out the 2-year “The Carers’ Journey Project” in 2022 to offer supporting services to carers for the elderly and raise public awareness of their psychological health. Our "Endless Care Services" held another series of “Live to Love” Life and Death Exposition – “Live to Love” Life Journey in 2022, blending arts and information with activities to inspire participants to review the value and meaning of life. In grateful appreciation of the contribution of $2.5 million from Mr. Andy CHAN of AD Design & Contracting Limited, TWGHs Fong Yun Wah Neighbourhood Elderly Centre purchased equipment for exercise and rehabilitation and launched its renovation works, so as to set up a “Fitness Zone” in the Centre and encourage the elderly to exercise more and adopt a healthy lifestyle.