2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

所住户在上楼前能有喘息空间,纾缓居住困境。 在营运「南昌220」的经验基础上,本院获房屋 局辖下「支援非政府机构推行过渡性房屋项目的 资助计划」评审委员会拨款合共逾12 亿元,资 助本院在马鞍山落禾沙里、启德沐安街及元朗流 浮山深湾路兴建过渡性房屋。首两个项目相继于 2022 年11 月及2023 年2 月动工,最快于2023 年年底落成;而流浮山项目现正进行设计工作, 预计2023年第三季动工,最快于2024年中落成。 三个项目合共提供超过2,100 个设有浴室及煮食 空间的单位,以纾缓轮候公屋家庭及其它居住环 境恶劣人士的生活困难。 此外,本院获环境保护署资助发展将军澳第一期 堆填区「环保村」,已于2022 年举行土地牌照签 署仪式及动土典礼。整个「环保村」项目工程预 计于2023 年第三季完成并投入服务,将成为香 港环保教育的一个重要基地。「环保村」内设有 多个露营场地、社区农庄、蝴蝶园、儿童绿色教 育区、露天剧场等,成为一个增进家庭、社区及 环境共融的地方。项目采用的绿色建筑设计充分 体现碳中和及可持续性的理念,更在「环保建筑 大奖2021」中,获颁「新建建筑类别:兴建及/ 或设计中项目—公用」大奖。 本院亦致力协助弱势社群,支援他们可融入社 会。东华三院获社会福利署委任统筹其整个小榄 综合康复服务大楼的物业管理工作,并负责营运 服务组合中的「东华三院小榄峻庭」。「东华三院 小榄峻庭」预计于2023 年年底装修工程竣工后投 入服务,大楼设有一所提供400 个名额的严重智 障人士日间活动中心暨宿舍,以及一所提供200 个名额的严重残疾人士护理院,为残疾人士提供 院舍服务、日间训练、职业复康及社区支援服务, 使他们能融入社群。 另外,东华三院「福全共物馆」于2022 年正式开 幕,透过成立一个「共享资源互助平台」,推动 街坊分享资源和技能,连系社区力量;同时亦会 组织街坊师傅及社区志愿者队,服务有需要的邻舍 家庭,发挥社区互助精神。本院早前获市区重建 局委托,为「优化升降机资助计划—外展社会服 务」进行为期42 个月的项目管理,于2022 年更 成功投得计划下九龙区( 深水埗区除外) 的外展 社会服务,在升降机停驶期间为合资格居民提供 适切支援,包括膳食/生活必需品订购及送递、 楼梯机辅助上落楼、社区资源转介以及临时住屋 安排等一站式服务,以纾缓工程期间对体弱长者 或残疾人士带来的不便和影响。 由本院营运的地理空间实验室于本年度举办「地 理信息系统应用公开赛2022」,参赛者根据指定 主题,利用地理信息系统,创作展示香港事件或 现象的网络地图。教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅 士、创新科技及工业局局长孙东教授太平绅士和 发展局局长甯汉豪太平绅士于本年度先后参观地 理空间实验室,除听取公开赛得奖同学及其它同 学介绍作品外,亦进一步了解空间数据及地理信 息系统的应用,携手推动香港智能城市的发展。 transitional housing projects, with an aim of providing inadequatelyhoused residents with a breathing space and relief before they are allocated with public housing units. Riding on our experience of running “Nam Cheong 220”, TWGHs was granted funding of over $1.2 billion from the Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations under the Housing Bureau to launch transitional housing projects at Lok Wo Sha Lane in Ma On Shan, Muk On Street in Kai Tak and Deep Bay Road in Lau Fau Shan, Yuen Long. Construction works of the first two projects began in November 2022 and February 2023 respectively, and will be completed by the end of 2023 at the earliest. Design work is currently carried out for the project at Lau Fau Shan, with construction expected to commence in the 3rd quarter of 2023 and conclude in mid-2024 at the earliest. These 3 projects will provide a total of more than 2,100 flats, all equipped with a bathroom and cooking space, to alleviate the hardship of families waiting for public rental housing and residents living in inadequate housing. With the funding of the Environmental Protection Department, TWGHs is developing the “E-Co Village” at Tseung Kwan O Stage I Landfill. A signing ceremony of land licence and ground breaking ceremony was held in 2022. To be completed and commissioned in the 3rd quarter of 2023, the entire project is set to become the forefront for environmental education in Hong Kong. Facilities within the "E-Co Village", such as camping zones, community farms, butterfly garden, green education zone for children and amphitheatre, will help promote inclusive families, society and environment. Adopting a green building design that puts carbon neutral and sustainability into practice, the project was awarded the Grand Award in the “New Buildings Category: Projects Under Construction and/or Design – Institutional” in the “Green Building Award 2021”. TWGHs makes every effort to support the underprivileged in their integration into society. Under the commission of the Social Welfare Department, TWGHs coordinates the property management of the entire Siu Lam Integrated Rehabilitation Service Complex and operates "TWGHs Siu Lam OLIVE-Courtyard", the service unit expected to commence operation after completion of fitting-out works by the end of 2023. "TWGHs Siu Lam OLIVE-Courtyard" will provide 400 places in a day activity centre cum hostel for people with severe intellectual disability, and 200 places in a care and attention home for severely disabled people. Its residential care services, day training, vocational rehabilitation and community support services will facilitate the integration of disabled people into the community. Officially opened in 2022, "TWGHs Fortune Library" encourages residents in the neighbourhood to share resources and skills for community bonding through the “Co-sharing Platform for Mutual Aid”. It also upholds the spirit of mutual community support by gathering a team of craftsmen and community volunteers to help families in need in the neighbourhood. TWGHs was entrusted by the Urban Renewal Authority with the 42-month project management of the “Outreach Social Services under Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme” (LMSS) and won the bid for the Outreach Social Service in the Kowloon District (excluding Sham Shui Po) in 2022. During the lift service suspension, eligible residents will be offered appropriate support with a basket of one-stop services, including the ordering and delivery of meals or daily necessities, stair climbers, community resources referrals and temporary accommodation, to reduce the inconvenience and impacts on the frail elderly and the disabled during the construction period. The Geospatial Lab operated by TWGHs held the “2022 Open Geographic Information System (GIS) Competition” during the year. Participants were required to use the GIS to create an online map showing incidents or phenomena in Hong Kong under a given theme. Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education, Prof. the Hon. SUN Dong, JP, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, and the Hon. LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP, Secretary for Development, respectively paid a visit to the Geospatial Lab during the year to listen to the awarded students in the open category and other students introducing their submitted entries, as well as to gain further understanding about the application of spatial data and the GIS, so as to work together to promote the development of Hong Kong as a smart city.