2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

为弘扬传统庙宇文化,本院今年举行多项活 动,祝愿香港。本院自1957 年开始,每年均在 东华三院文武庙举行秋祭典礼,本年度典礼由甲 弘扬庙祀文化 殡仪基金纾困 Promoting Ritualistic Culture and Providing Financial Relief on Funeral Services To foster the traditional temple culture, TWGHs organised a string of activities to bring well wishes to Hong Kong. Since 1957, the Autumn Sacrificial Rites has been held at TWGHs Man Mo Temple annually. Praying for blessings for everyone in Hong Kong, Mr. HO Sai Chu, GBM, Preserving Cultural Heritage and Passing Down Good Causes of TWGHs 本院档案及历史文化办公室肩负保护、开放及分 享东华三院历史文化的职责,致力推广文物保 育,提供多元文化服务。办公室于2022 年首次 与香港历史博物馆合办「怀善披远:寰球慈善网 络」系列讲座,实体及网上同步进行,由三位专 家学者从华人出洋和原籍安葬、万善缘法会及 东华义庄的服务,探究这个由十九世纪中叶 开始以香港为中心的寰球慈善网络的形成, 以及其对香港和世界各地的重要性。此外, 本院连续第5 年与香港公共图书馆合办系列 讲座,在香港中央图书馆举办3 场以「与时并 进:从档案看香港医疗服务发展」为主题的讲 座,探讨有关婴儿出生、肺结核防治及1945 年前广华医院护士学校的医疗发展与社会的 关系,并于6 个不同地区的公共图书馆举办 「东华三院护士训练发展点滴」巡回展览。本 院于2022 年再度与经济通(ETnet) 合作,推出 「东华三院寻根香港系列:三地对谈《落叶 归根 东华三院华侨原籍安葬档案选编》」 网上特辑,邀得香港、内地及美国三地的历 史专家包括高添强先生、谭金花教授及吴瑞 卿博士联机对谈,细说百多年来海外华人对 落叶归根的渴望及分享档案保育的历程。 古物古迹办事处于2022 年10 至11 月举办 庆祝香港特别行政区成立25 周年展览活动 「血浓于水:香港历史建筑中的家国情」,向 东华三院襄借8 项文物于「同气连枝 血脉相连」 主题中展出,见证东华三院百多年来以不同方式 向海外华人及内地提供适切援助。 本院致力透过出版及多媒体渠道,保存历史文 化,让大众深入了解东华三院善业与香港息息相 关的历史。本院与香港浸会大学历史系合作的 「广华护士口述九龙生活史」研究计划经已完成, 计划集中整理广华医院护士学校的百年历史,分 析当年成立广华医院护士学校的重要性及护理专 业发展的演变。计划之研究成果已编成《提灯者 言:广华医院护理教育历史》一书出版。由「文 化沙龙系列——湾仔的文化记忆」系列讲座的专 家及学者撰写的文章,亦结集成电子书于档案及 历史文化办公室全新网站发布。此外,本院与 香港浸会大学历史系合作,制作「二次大战时的 东华三院」地理资讯系统,把东华的历史档案资 料转化成互动地图,为本地中学老师提供教学素 材。香港城市大学中文及历史学系获得大学教育 资助委员会资助60 万元,筹建网上虚拟教学平 台,搭建以「东华历史宝库」为主题的子平台, 选用东华三院历史文物档案图片,运用互联网的 特性和数字人文的分析方法,传播中国文化知 识。平台于2023 年开放予公众使用。 传承历史文化 传颂东华善业 Assuming the responsibility to protect, unlock and share the heritage of TWGHs, the Records and Heritage Office of the Group endeavours to promote heritage conservation and provide multicultural services. Partnered with Hong Kong Museum of History in 2022, the Office launched the debut “Tales of the Distant Past: Global Charitable Network” Talk Series in a hybrid mode. Three experts and academics were invited to delve into the formation of a Hong Kong-based global charitable network since the mid-19th century and its importance to the city and the world based on topics pertinent to the Chinese migration and bone repatriation, Yulan Festival Mass Ritual and Tung Wah Coffin Home. TWGHs organised talk series in collaboration with Hong Kong Public Libraries for the 5th consecutive years. Three subject talks on “Keeping up with the Times: Mapping the Development of Hong Kong’s Healthcare Services through the Archives” were held at Hong Kong Central Library to explore the relationship between the community and the birth of infants, tuberculosis prevention and treatment, and the healthcare development at Kwong Wah Hospital Nursing School prior to 1945. The roving exhibition “Development of TWGHs Nursing Training” was held at public libraries in 6 districts. In 2022, TWGHs once again joined hands with ETnet to organise a webinar, “TWGHs Searching for Roots in Hong Kong Series: Talks between the Three Places on Fallen Leaves Returning to their Roots: A selection of Archives on the Bone Repatriation Service of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for overseas Chinese”. History experts from Hong Kong, Mainland China and the United States, including Mr. KO Tim Keung, Prof. TAN Jinhua, Selia, and Dr. Sonia NG, were invited to chat online recounting the desire of overseas Chinese to return to their roots and sharing the stories about preserving archives. From October to November in 2022, the Antiquities and Monuments Office held the “Inseparable Ties: Cohesion as Told by Hong Kong Historic Buildings” exhibition in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. Eight artefacts were borrowed from TWGHs and exhibited under the theme of “Unity and Interconnection” to illustrate the Group’s various support offered to overseas and Mainland China over the past century or so. TWGHs preserves heritage through publication and multi-media, so that the public can learn more about the history of the Group in which our charitable acts were closely related to Hong Kong. The research project on the “Nursing Education of Kwong Wah Hospital”, co-organised by TWGHs and the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, was completed. Focusing on collating the history of Kwong Wah Hospital Nursing School over the past century, the project analysed the importance of the inauguration of the School and the evolution of the nursing profession. All findings were published in a book titled Nursing Education at Kwong Wah Hospital. An e-book featuring the articles compiled from the "RHO Lecture Series on Wanchai" was launched on the new website of the Records and Heritage Office. In collaboration with the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, we produced an interactive GIS-enabled map “TWGHs in World War II” displaying archives of TWGHs as teaching materials for local secondary school teachers. The virtual information platform to be set up by the Department of Chinese and History of the City University of Hong Kong under the subsidy of $600,000 from the University Grants Committee will include a subplatform featuring the Group’s historical collections. Open to the public in 2023, the platform is set to advocate Chinese cultural knowledge through TWGHs’ historical archives, relics and photos, with the application of the Internet and the analysis of digital humanities.