2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

为支援东华三院各项服务,东华三院的筹募工作 一往无前,从不停步。东华三院本年度筹办20多 项筹款活动及邮寄募捐呼吁募集经费,恒常筹款 活动包括慈善粤剧晚会、爱心满东华免费医疗服 务捐助计划、卖旗日、慈善保龄球大赛、香港高 尔夫球慈善大赛、慈善奖券等活动及家传户晓的 「欢乐满东华」慈善晚会,广获各界善长支持。 东华三院在筹募工作上亦力求创新,于2022年率 先建立东华三院NFT Marketplace慈善平台,慈善 拍卖或义卖多款NFT作品,包括有「i-dArt 爱不同 艺术」画家的创作,以香港电影为主题的NFT艺 术品、董事局成员肖像NFT,以及由著名跨界艺 术家马兴文先生创作的DC小龙马等,借以吸引 年青捐款者共襄善举。另外,本院又担任「香港 汽车会主办庆祝特区成立25周年港珠澳大桥汽车 巡游」的冠名赞助,更得到多位董事局成员引荐 本院获邀成为10多个活动的受惠机构,鼓励市民 一同行善为乐。 2022 年东华三院卖旗日,再度与年轻插画师 Vivian HO合作,以 「明日东华」为主题,设计出 一套4款特色纸旗。圆形纸旗设计呈现出独特的 「东华星球」,分别介绍辖下的医疗衞生、教育、 社会以及公共服务。纸旗设计富科幻与未来的感 觉,代表东华三院服务发展的延续性及无限可能。 本院同时继续透过社交媒体,推出富趣味的动画 短片和与卖旗日冷知识相关的「星球奇遇记」网 上游戏,亦推出一套6 款WhatsApp贴图,为市 民提供娱乐之余,亦不忘呼吁大家行善乐助,传 递关爱。一如以往,董事局会继续与冠名赞助人 携手赞助本院主办所有筹募活动的直接开支,不 会从公众善款中扣除任何行政费用,以确保市民 所捐出的一分一毫都全数用于服务,帮助有需要 人士。 创新筹募工作 为善从不停步 Unwavering Good Deeds with Innovative FundRaising Initiatives Come rain or shine, TWGHs shows dogged determination when it comes to fund-raising initiatives to support its services. During the year, we appealed for funds by way of over 20 fundraising events and mailing campaigns. Regular fund-raising events which are well received by donors include Charity Cantonese Opera, TWGHs Free Medical Services Donation Scheme, Flag Day, Charity Bowling Tournament, Hong Kong Charity Golf Tournament, Charity Raffle as well as the renowned "Tung Wah Charity Gala". Striving to be innovative in fund-raising endeavours, TWGHs set up the platform TWGHs NFT Marketplace in 2022 for the charity bidding or sales of NFT pieces to appeal to young donors. Creations from “i-dArt” artists, NFT artworks themed on Hong Kong films, NFT portraits of Board Members and Drago Cavallo produced by Mr. Simon MA, a famous crossover artist, were available for bidding or sale. Apart from being the title sponsor of “HKAA ‘HZM Bridge Car Parade’ in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR”, TWGHs was also referred by a number of Board Members as the beneficiary of more than 10 events to encourage the public to join the charity community. This year, in another collaboration with young illustrator Vivian HO, TWGHs Flag Day adopted a set of 4 unique paper flag stickers themed on “The Tomorrow of Tung Wah”. The round-shaped “Tung Wah Planet” flags, each representing TWGHs services in medical and health, education, community and traditional domains, were designed in a sci-fi and futuristic style to highlight the continuity and infinite possibilities of our services. To drum up support for charity and spread love and care, we continued to introduce intriguing animated videos and the “Planet Adventures”, an online game about some fun trivia of our Flag Day, as well a set of 6 WhatsApp stickers on social media. As usual, all direct expenses of fund-raising events organised by TWGHs were sponsored by Board of Directors and Title Sponsors of the events. No administrative costs were deducted from the donations of the general public to ensure that all public donations go towards the Group’s services for the benefit of the needy. 辰年主席何世柱大紫荆勋贤GBS太平绅士担任 主祭,辛巳年主席周振基教授GBS太平绅士任 颂祝者,以及戊辰年主席余啸天BBS太平绅士任 赞礼者,为本港市民祈福。此外,本院再度举办 「油麻地天后诞」,祝愿香港繁荣安定; 本院亦举 办第十三届「壬寅年东华三院联庙中元吉祥思亲 法会」,以承传传统习俗,并邀得蓬瀛仙馆主持 连续3 天的科仪,为先灵虔诚礼修经忏及祈求先 人减罪添福。 本院于2020 年成立东华三院殡仪基金,主要为 家境清贫和经济突然出现困难之丧亲家庭提供以 简约基本为主的免费殡仪服务,协助他们渡过难 关,亦为亡者完成人生最后旅程。另外,2022 年 9 月初秀茂坪安达臣道天秤工业意外发生后,本 院为离世者的家人提供路祭、殡葬服务及各方面 的支援,并透过东华三院殡仪基金为有需要的家 庭提供殡仪服务,让亡者安息。截至2022 年10 月,基金本年度已合共批出387 万8,595 元,向 443 宗个案提供免费殡仪及免费灵堂服务。 GBS, JP, Chairman of 1964/1965, officiated and performed the rites, while Prof. CHOW Chun Kay, Stephen, GBS, JP, Chairman of 2001/2002, read the sacrificial odes and Mr. YU Shiu Tin, Paul, BBS, JP, Chairman 1988/1989, acted as the Master of the Ceremonies. In addition to the “Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei” organised during the year for the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, TWGHs also held fast to the spirit of traditional custom inheritance by hosting the “TWGHs Joint-Temples Mid-year Festival Rites 2022/2023”. Fung Ying Seen Koon was invited to run the 3-day rites in order to pray for forgiveness and blessings from ancestors through scriptures and repentance rituals. TWGHs Funeral Fund was established in 2020 to provide fundamental funeral services for free for bereaved families with financial difficulties, helping them to tide over the grief and carrying the deceased through the final leg of their life’s journey. Following the crane collapse incident at Anderson Road, Sau Mau Ping in early September 2022, TWGHs provided comprehensive support for the grieving families, including on-scene ceremonies and funeral services for families in need through TWGHs Funeral Fund, so that the deceased may rest in peace. By October 2022, the Fund had granted a total of $3,878,595, offering funeral services and lending out funeral halls free of charge to 443 cases.