2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

果,以至未来发展方向,本院制作年报、相集与 视频等,加强与社会各界连系。本院2022/2023 年度多项企业传讯项目,分别在国际及本地竞 赛中得到奖项。本院于2022/2023 年度全新摄制 的企业宣传短片「东华为善 世纪不变」,更荣获 2022 年度Galaxy 大奖「录像—DVD 光碟、网址 及USB 存储器:动画推广」金奖及于2022/2023 MERCURY卓越大奖中荣获「录像─DVD光碟、 在线/USB存储器」类别年度大奖及「录像— DVD光碟/ 在线/USB存储器:机构形象」金 奖,而配合该影片之社交媒体宣传亦于2022 年 度Galaxy 大奖中获得「推广:品牌形象」银奖 及于2022/2023 MERCURY 卓越大奖中荣获「推 广/ 市场营销: 品牌营销/ 品牌再造」铜奖。而 2021/2022 年报及相集再次在全球最大型国际年 报奖项—2022 国际ARC 大奖(International ARC Awards 2022) 中得到嘉许,荣获非政府组织慈善 机构组别「主席函件」和「资讯图表」银奖、 「印刷及制作」铜奖及「封面相片/ 设计」优异 奖;于2022 年度Galaxy 大奖中获得「年报—印 刷:亚太区非政府组织慈善机构」组别银奖; 亦 于2022/2023 MERCURY 卓越大奖中荣获「年报 ─封面设计:抽象图/ 图象」及「年报─内页设 计: 传统格式: 亚洲/ 太平洋地区」优异奖及获 得2022 年香港管理专业协会最佳年报奖中慈善 组织类别「优秀慈善机构年报奖」。另外,本院 卖旗日推广及宣传活动亦在2022/2023 MERCURY 卓越大奖中荣获「推广/ 市场营销: 认知活动」 银奖。 Our popularity among Hong Kong citizens over the past 150 years and more lies in our excellent brand reputation and public communication. To enable a full understanding of our efforts and achievements in the year as well as our future development, Annual Reports, Photo Albums and videos are produced to reinforce our connection with various sectors of the community. A myriad of our corporate communications projects for 2022/2023 received awards in international and local competitions. Our brand-new corporate branding video “Tung Wah · Dedication to Charity ·Devotion for Centuries” produced in 2022/2023 bagged the Gold Award for “Videos — DVDs, URLs & USBs: Animated Promotion” in the 2022 Galaxy Awards, the Best of Category Grand Award for "Video - DVD/ Online/USB" and the Gold Award for “Video-DVD/Online/USB: Corporate Identity” in 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards and its social media promotion for TWGHs Corporate Branding Video 2022 bagged the Silver Award for “Promotion — Brand Identity” in the 2022 Galaxy Awards and Bronze Award for “Promotion/Marketing: Branding/Re-branding”in 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards. Our Annual Report and Photo Album for 2021/2022 once again brought home a number of recognitions — the Silver Award for “Chairman’s/President’s Letter” and “Infographics”, Bronze Award for “Printing & Production” and Honours for “Cover Photo/ Design” under the category of N.G.O. Charitable Organisation in the 2022 International ARC Awards, the biggest award of its kind globally; the Silver Award under the category of “Annual Reports –Printing: NonProfit Organisations - Asia/Pacific” in the 2022 Galaxy Awards; Honours for "Annual Reports - Cover Design: Abstract/Graphics" and “Annual Reports-Interior Design: Traditional Format: Asia/Pacific” in 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards and the “Excellence Award for Charitable Organisations” in the 2022 HKMA Best Annual Reports Awards. TWGHs Flag Day Promotion and Publicity Campaign earned Silver Award for “Promotion/Marketing: Awareness Campaigns” in 2022/2023 MERCURY Excellence Awards. Staying Dedicated to Our Aspiration for Thriving Philanthropy Xunzi once said, “Success in all things comes from being dedicated; failure in being sluggish.” To grow charitable causes, we believe that the community is never short of means but undaunted and unswerving determination, dedication and resolve. So, let us encourage and support one another, and work hand in hand to create a happier and more harmonious society in Hong Kong. On behalf of the TWGHs Board of Directors 2022/2023, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the HKSAR Government, the Advisory Board, our predecessors, benefactors, enterprises, dear friends, and every colleague at TWGHs, as it is the joint efforts of all parties that lead to our remarkable accomplishments in charity. I hope that under the leadership of the next Board of Directors, TWGHs will continue to navigate the course of philanthropy with a pioneering spirit, soldiering on along the path of charity for the benefit of all in the community. 百事之成必在敬之 坚守初心成就善业 荀子说:「凡百事之成也,必在敬之;其败也, 必在慢之。」我们认为发展善业,缺的从不是方 法与资助,缺的是一往无前、敬业用心、坚定不 移的行善初心和魄力,让我们一起共勉,互相扶 持,创造更幸福和乐的香港。我谨代表东华三院 壬寅年董事局仝人向特区政府、顾问局、前贤、 善长、企业等各方友好及东华团队致以由衷感 谢,感激各位一直匡扶指导及并肩同行,让我们 得以在众志成城下屡创佳绩。我衷心祝愿东华三 院在新一届董事局的领导下,继续敢创敢为,惠 泽社群,让东华三院的善业永不止息。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip Chairman Board of Directors 2022/2023 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 31 March 2023 东华三院壬寅年主席 马清扬先生 2023年3月31日