2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

善款及院本资源运用Allocation of Donation Income and Internal Resources 行政及支援支出Administration and Supporting Functions Expenditure 善款收入 Donation Income $428,000,000 $108,600,000 医疗衞生服务 发展项目拨款 Allocated to Medical and Health Service Development Projects $250,400,000 社会服务 发展项目拨款 Allocated to Community Service Development Projects $135,800,000 教育服务 发展项目拨款 Allocated to Education Service Development Projects $31,700,000 公共服务 发展项目拨款 Allocated to Traditional Service Development Projects 本院属下5间医院的经常性支出不计算在内。 Recurrent Expenditure of 5 TWGHs Affiliated Hospitals Were Excluded. 本院总支出 The Group’s Total Expenditure $6,328,000,000 行政及支援支出 全数由本院营运收入支付, 不涉及任何捐款。 Administration and Supporting Functions Expenditure Fully Funded by the Group’s Operating Income, and Without Using Any Donations. $261,000,000 东华三院院本资源 TWGHs Internal Resources $98,500,000 机构焦点CORPORATE HIGHLIGHTS 4% $269,100,000 捐 时的市值 Market Value on the Date of Receipt 物业捐 Donation-in-kind of Properties No Event and Administration Costs Be Deducted from Public Donations 本院不会从公众善款中扣除 活动及行政费用