2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

防疫、抗疫、纾困 从不松懈 Ongoing Anti-epidemic Efforts to Combat the Pandemic and Relieve People’s Hardship Fearless in the face of the pandemic, TWGHs remains vigilant in combating the COVID-19 with concerted efforts and great resilience. TWGHs put in place a series of ongoing measures and assistances to prevent and fight the virus and relieve the hardships of the needy, thanks to the generosity and staunch support from different sectors of the society, its service units and professional TWGHs teams. As always, TWGHs has stood with the community through thick and thin. 东华三院无惧疫情挑战,抗疫工作从不松懈,适 时回应社会各方需要,与各界一心一德,携手抗 疫。承蒙各方好友支持、辖下服务单位积极配 合,以及专业团队群策群力,东华三院得以继续 实行「防疫、抗疫、纾困」多项应急措施,帮助 阻击疫情爆发、支援感染控制及纾解民生困顿, 与香港社会砥砺同行。 本院于属下两个医疗中心提供新冠疫苗接种服 务,至今已经接种超过3,300 剂疫苗。 提供疫苗接种服务 支持学生接种疫苗 Providing Vaccination Services Promoting Vaccination for Students 鼓励长者接种疫苗 本院继续鼓励旗下25所安老院院友接种疫苗。 截至2023 年1 月15 日,已有百分之九十六的 长者院友接种第二剂疫苗,百分之八十七接种 第三剂疫苗。 推动员工子女接种疫苗 为鼓励家长尽早安排幼童接种新冠疫苗,本院 让作为父母或监护人的合资格东华三院员工可 放取不多于半天的特许缺勤,陪同三岁以下的 子女或受其监护的幼童接种新冠疫苗。 Supporting Vaccination for the Elderly The Group continued to encourage the elderly at its 25 residential care homes to get vaccinated. As of 15 January 2023, 96% of the elderly residents received the second dose of vaccination, and 87% of the residents received the third dose of vaccination. Advocating Vaccination for Children of TWGHs staff To encourage parents to have their young children vaccinated against COVID-19 as early as possible, the special arrangement of granting up to a half-day authorised absence was offered to the eligible staff of TWGHs, allowing these parents or guardians to accompany their children aged below three to get the jab on a working day. 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士( 右八)、马清扬主席( 右七)、 董事局成员、校长及嘉宾一同为疫苗接种日打气。 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (right 8), Secretary for Education, Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (right 7), the Chairman, Board Members, principals and guests supported the "SINOVAC Vaccination Day". 教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士( 前排左一) 及 马清扬主席( 后排左二) 慰问疫苗接种的学生。 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (front row, left 1), Secretary for Education and Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (back row, left 2), the Chairman, were comforting a student . 防疫 Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 Two Medical Centres of the Group provided vaccination services and administrated over 3,300 doses of vaccines. 东华三院与各政府部门及地区团体举办各类疫 苗接种活动,包括与教育局合办的「学校疫苗 接种日」,更派出医疗团队为33 所学校( 包括 29 所属下学校) 学生提供到校疫苗注射服务。 10 所属校亦组织学生及家长参加民政及青年事 务局安排的疫苗接种计划。截至2023年3月属 校合共有4,000 多名小学生及2,000 多名幼稚园 学生参加了接种疫苗活动。而院属中学及特殊 学校接种率均超过八成。 TWGHs co-organised various vaccination programmes with different government departments and local organisations, including the “School Vaccination Day” co-organised with the Education Bureau. TWGHs designated a medical team to provide on-campus vaccination services for students of 33 schools (including 29 TWGHs schools). 10 TWGHs schools also organised students and parents to participate in the vaccination programme conducted by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. Up to March 2023, a total of 4,000 primary students and over 2,000 kindergarten students participated in the vaccination programme. Besides, the Group’s secondary schools and special schools with the vaccination rate reached over 80%.