2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

To alleviate the shortage of mortuaries in public hospitals and public mortuaries, TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour handed over a total of 45 body storage spaces to the Department of Health. The Parlour also opened the funeral halls on the Ground Floor to the funeral services industry for venue booking on a rent-free basis. During the period, the funeral halls were used for a total of 327 funerals free of charge. After that, the Parlour was designated for funerals of people who died of COVID-19, and served as the venue for the make-up of the deceased and final homage ceremony, so that the bereaved could bid farewell to their loved ones and ease their grief. Besides, the Parlour also provided 100 free funeral service quotas for the deceased from COVID-19, serving a total of 460 people who passed away from the epidemic. A total of 787 deceased were served under these three initiatives. 在纾困工作上,为纾缓公营医院殓房及公众殓 房不敷应用的情况,东华三院寰宇殡仪馆殓房 借出合共45 个遗体存放位置予衞生署使用。 该馆更开放地下灵堂让业界免费租用,期间共 有327 个丧礼免费使用灵堂。期后,该馆转为 新冠离世人士指定瞻仰遗容殡仪馆,容许替先 人化妆及于丧礼期间进行瞻仰遗容仪式,以便 亲属在灵堂内与先人告别,纾缓哀痛。又为新 冠离世人士免费提供100 个直接过境丧礼服务 名额,合共服务了460 位新冠离世人士。三项 措施合共服务了787 位离世人士。 本院「圆满人生服务」推出「后事程序及丧亲情 绪支援热线」,透过电话、WhatsApp和网上聊 天机械人,于2022 年3 月25 日至5 月31 日, 提供后事咨询及情绪支援服务,为414 个丧亲 家庭提供服务。 TWGHs "Endless Care Services" launched a hotline under the “Be-with” Bereavement Support Service to provide funeral and emotional support to bereaved families. During the period from 25 March to 31 May 2022, the hotline offered support to 414 bereaved families via telephone, WhatsApp and online Chatbot. TWGHs set up the “Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centre” to assist in the processing of applications for the sixth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund provided by the Government. A total of 97,630 applications were processed, with a subsidy of $10,000 granted to each of the eligible persons who lost their job due to the fifth wave of the pandemic. TWGHs continued to offer rental concessions to tenants of ground floor shops and some commercial buildings of TWGHs in operation difficulties, and offered lower rent for contract renewal to tenants in need to help these tenants cope with the challenges. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Group had provided rental concessions of over $18 million. 东华三院设立「临时失业支援申请处理中心」, 协助政府处理第六轮「防疫抗疫基金」的97,630 宗申请个案,向因第5 波疫情而失业的合资格 巿民每人发放10,000 元失业援助金。 东华三院继续特意为面临经营困难的本院地舖 及部份商厦租户提供租金宽减,并容许有需要 的商户以较低租金续约,以济燃眉之急。自疫 情开始至今,本院于相关租金宽减方面累计共 支援超过1,800万元。 借出殓房及殡仪设施 为丧亲者增设支援热线 设立临时失业支援申请处理中心 支援商户跨过经济逆境 Offering Free Facilities for Funerals Providing Hotline under “Be-with” Bereavement Support Service Setting up Temporary Unemployment Relief Scheme Application Processing Centre Helping Hand to Service Users in Overcoming Economic Adversity 本院增设支援热线提供后事咨询及情绪支援服务。 TWGHs launched a hotline to provide funeral and emotional support to bereaved families. 本院开放灵堂让业界免费租用。 TWGHs opened the funeral halls on a rent-free basis. 纾困 Relieving the Hardship