2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

奖项及殊荣 AWARDS AND HONOURS 03 《2021/2022 东华三院年报及相集》 TWGHs Annual Report and Photo Album 2021/2022 马清扬主席( 中) 代表 本院接受香港管理专业 协会颁发「2022 年优秀 慈善机构年报奖」。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (centre), the Chairman, received the "2022 Excellence Award for Charitable Organisation" from Hong Kong Management Association on behalf of the Group. The outstanding human resources strategies and caring employer image of TWGHs have been well recognised. TWGHs has received the “Happy Organisation” award for the 9th consecutive year in the “Happiness-at-work Promotional Scheme 2022” jointly organised by the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong. The Group has also been granted the gold trophy for the “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia (Hong Kong Chapter) Award" for the 8th consecutive year in the HR Asia Awards 2022 organised by HR Asia Magazine, in recognition of its achievements in enhancing the happiness-at-work level of staff members and promoting a caring corporate culture. 东华三院荣获「开心工作间推 广计划2022」及「亚洲最理想 工作公司( 香港) 大奖」 TWGHs Won the “Happiness-at-work Promotional Scheme 2022” and “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia (Hong Kong Chapter) Awards” 「开心机构5+」标志 Logo of "Happy Organisation 5 years+" 马清扬主席( 中) 联同人力资源委员会主任委员 邓明慧副主席( 左) 及行政总监苏祐安先生( 右) 一 同分享获奖喜悦。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (centre), the Chairman, Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (left), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, and Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right), Chief Executive, shared the joy of TWGHs receiving the Award together. 东华三院卓越的人力资源策略及关爱雇主的形 象备受外界肯定,连续9 年于香港提升快乐指 数基金和香港中华厂商联合会主办的「开心工 作间推广计划2022」中获评为「开心机构」。 本院亦连续8 年于《HR Asia 杂志》主办的「HR Asia Awards 2022」中荣获「亚洲最理想工作公司 ( 香港) 大奖」,并蝉联金奖殊荣,以表扬本院积 极提高员工的工作快乐水平及推广关爱文化的 成就。 马清扬主席( 左) 及人力资 源委员会主任委员邓明慧副 主席( 右) 为网上颁奖典礼 拍摄得奖片段。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left), the Chairman, and Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy (right), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, participated in the video shooting for the Award Ceremony. During the year, a series of TWGHs branding and promotion projects were designed to promote the image of our benevolent cause and professional services and to enhance the public's understanding of the Group. The projects received several international awards as recognition. Meanwhile, TWGHs publication Annual Report and Photo Album 2021/2022 has also earned multiple awards. All such recognition is indeed a great encouragement for each of us at the Group. 东华三院于年内推出多项品牌推广宣传项目,以 推广本院的善业及专业服务形象,不单加深广大 市民对本院的认识,更获得多个国际性的奖项, 以兹表扬。此外,东华三院刊物《2021/2022 年 报及相集》亦荣获多个奖项,本院上下均感鼓舞。 东华三院品牌推广宣传项目及 机构刊物荣获专业嘉许 TWGHs Branding and Publicity Campaigns, and Corporate Publication Received Professional Recognitions