2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 11 The Board of Directors oversees and monitors the performance of the executives through Board Meetings and a Committee system. To discharge the governance role, the Board: TWGHs is managed on a committee basis, with the Board of Directors as the governing body. The Board is assisted by an Executive Committee in governing the Group. Under the Board, various committees, each overseeing a particular function or aspect of service provided by the Group, advise and recommend to the Board on the formulation of policies while giving directives to staff for implementation. They include the Medical and Health Committee, Education Committee, Community Services Committee, Property Committee, Fund-raising and Corporate Communications Committee, Human Resources Committee, Staff Retirement Schemes Management Committee, Finance Committee, Information Technology Committee, Audit Committee as well as Records and Heritage Committee. The Board also participates in the Hospital Governing Committees of the 5 hospitals of TWGHs, cooperating with the Hospital Authority to support their developments. Tung Wah College is governed by the Board of Governors, of which the chairperson is appointed by the TWGHs Board of Directors. Various Board-level Committees are formed with corresponding Executive-level Policy Working Groups, as and when required, to strengthen internal controls and enhance corporate governance through separation of the Group's governance and day-to-day management. 董事局透过董事局会议及辖下各委员会监管行政 人员的工作表现。董事局所担当的管治角色如下: 东华三院的行政采用委员会制,董事局是厘订政 策的最高中央组织。董事局由执行委员会协助管 治东华三院,董事局辖下设有多个委员会,包括 医疗衞生服务委员会、学务委员会、社会服务委 员会、物业委员会、筹募及企业传讯委员会、人 力资源委员会、员工退休计划管理委员会、财务 委员会、资讯科技委员会、稽核委员会和档案及 历史文化委员会,分别监察东华三院各方面的工 作或服务。各委员会一方面向董事局提供厘订政 策的建议,另一方面任命有关职员执行委员会的 政策。此外,董事局亦参与东华三院属下5 间医 院的医院管治委员会,与医院管理局共同合作支 持属下5 间医院的发展;并且成立东华学院校董 会,由东华三院董事局委任校董会主席,负责管 治东华学院。 为增强东华三院内部管理运行及企业管治,委员 会亦按需要相应成立管理层政策工作小组,分开 机构的管治和日常管理。 董事局职权 委员会及其职权范围 Functions of the Board of Directors Committees and their Terms of Reference 董事局及委员会BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES · · · · · · 制订整体策略及政策,以履行东华三院的使命 及达成目标; 监督行政总监和高级管理层及确保其问责性, 同时维持内部监控及制订管理层的管辖范畴; 协助宣扬东华三院的形象及建立社区关系; 捐助并积极参与东华三院的筹募活动; 向持份者包括顾问局作适时汇报。 确保东华三院收支平衡,并定时对财政状况作 准确的评估;及 · · · · · · formulates broad strategies and makes policies to achieve the Group's mission and objectives; helps promote the image of TWGHs and builds community relations; donates and actively participates in fund-raising activities of TWGHs; ensures a balanced, accurate and timely assessment of TWGHs financial position; and reports appropriately to external stakeholders, including the Advisory Board supervises the Chief Executive and the senior management team and ensures accountability while maintaining internal control and setting parameters within which the management team operates;