2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 12 东华三院属下5 间医院的医院管治委员会隶属医院管理局,当中的委员亦包括本院董事局成员,与医院管理 局共同合作支持属下5 间医院的发展。 The Hospital Governing Committees of the 5 hospitals of TWGHs are established under the Hospital Authority with members from the TWGHs Board of Directors, cooperating with the Authority to support the developments of the 5 hospitals. 东华学院由东华学院校董会负责管治,校董会主席、副主席及委员需经提名委员会推荐,由东华三院通过及 委任。 Tung Wah College is governed by the Board of Governors, of which the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Members are appointed by TWGHs from amongst the nominees recommended by the Nomination Committee and approved by TWGHs. 备注 Remarks : 董事局 Board of Directors 筹募及企业传讯委员会 Fund-raising and Corporate Communications Committee 员工退休计划管理委员会 Staff Retirement Schemes Management Committee 医疗衞生服务委员会 Medical and Health Committee 医院管治委员会 Hospital Governing Committees 学务委员会 Education Committee 社会服务委员会 Community Services Committee 物业委员会 Property Committee 人力资源委员会 Human Resources Committee 财务委员会 Finance Committee 资讯科技委员会 Information Technology Committee 稽核委员会 Audit Committee 档案及历史文化委员会 Records and Heritage Committee 东华学院校董会 Tung Wah College Board of Governors 顾问局 Advisory Board 执行委员会 Executive Committee