2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 23 总理 Mr. CHAN On Lap, Felix Director 陈安立 籍贯:广东东莞 英国斯特灵大学工商管理学硕士研究生 嘉域集团有限公司董事长 九龙社团联会观塘地区委员会副会长 民政及青年事务局观塘南分区委员会委员 香港环球华人体育慈善促进会荣誉会长 东莞同乡总会元朗分会会员 东华三院2022/2023 总理 · · · · · · · · Native Province: Dongguan, Guangdong Postgraduate of Business Administration, University of Stirling, UK President of JV Global Group Limited Vice-President of Kwun Tong District Committee, Kowloon Federation of Associations Committee Member of Kwun Tong South Area Committee of Home and Youth Affairs Bureau Honorary President of Hong Kong Worldwide Chinese Sports Promotion Charitable Association Member of Tung Koon District Association Yuen Long Branch Association Director (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · · · · 总理 Mr. YEUNG Cheuk Hing, Jacky Director 杨焯兴 籍贯:广东宝安 英国伦敦大学国王学院理学士 香港大学法学专业证书 香港特别行政区高等法院律师 陈氏企业有限公司董事局助理 安捷融资有限公司执行董事 林余律师事务所实务发展主管 成都海外联谊会理事 新界乡议局青年事务委员会咨询委员 屯门区少年警讯名誉会长会名誉会长 新界总商会副主席 太平山扶轮社社长(2020/2021) 国际扶轮3450 地区副助理总监 羣力资源中心委员 香港青少年发展联会名誉会长 东华三院2022/2023 总理 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Native Province: Baoan, Guangdong Bachelor of Science, King's College London, University of London, UK Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, The University of Hong Kong Solicitor of the High Court of the HKSAR Assistant to Board of Directors, Chan's Enterprises Company Limited Executive Director of AJ Corporate Finance Limited Head of Practice Development of L&Y Law Office Council Member of Chengdu Overseas Friendship Association Member of Youth Affairs Advisory Board of Heung Yee Kuk New Territories Honorary President of Tuen Mun District Junior Police Call Honorary President Council Vice-Chairman of New Territories General Chamber of Commerce Club President of the Rotary Club of The Peak (2020/2021) Deputy Assistant Governor of Rotary International District 3450 Member of Concerted Efforts Resource Centre Honorary President of Hong Kong Association of Youth Development Director (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·