2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 24 总理 Ms. MAK Ching Yui, Matching Director 麦菁芮 籍贯:广东三水 澳洲墨尔本蒙纳士大学市场营销、管理和心理学学士 锦龙汽车集团董事 香港菁英会会员 东华三院2022/2023 总理 · · · · · 籍贯:广东茂名 英国布里斯托大学国际工商管理理学士 深圳巿华讯伟业房地产开发有限公司副总裁 中国人民政治协商会议广东省委员会委员 化州巿新的社会阶层人士联合会永远名誉会长 深圳巿同心俱乐部青年委员会副主席 深圳化州青年会荣誉主席 香港化州市旅港同乡会会长 香港茂名同乡总会常务副主席 茂名市青年联会第六届委员会委员 香港青年联会会员 东华三院2022/2023 总理 · · · · · · · · · · · · Native Province: Sanshui, Guangdong Bachelor of Marketing, Management and Psychology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Director of Kam Lung Motor Group Member of The Y.Elites Association Director (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · Native Province: Maoming, Guangdong Bachelor of Science in International Business Management, University of Bristol, UK Vice-President of Shenzhen Huaxun Weihong Real Estate Development Company Limited Member of Guangdong Provincial Committee of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Honorary Life President of Huazhou New Social Stratum Association Vice-Chairman of Youth Committee of Shenzhen Harmony Club Honorary Chairman of Shenzhen Huazhou Youth Association President of Hong Kong Huazhou Residents Associations Executive Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Maoming Residents Federation of Associations Member of the 6th Committee of Maoming Youth Association Member of Hong Kong United Youth Association Director (2022/2023) of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals · · · · · · · · · · · · 总理 Mr. CHAN Chi Ho, Allen Director 陈智豪